Thank god for good brakes

lady71, Jun 18, 3:32am
just like to remind all the ones out there that straighten out roundabouts in peak hour traffic you may be bigger than my poor car but if I am in my lane why do you have to use mine and yours to travel thru the roundabout.

grangies, Jun 18, 3:51am
I know what you mean. Some folks are just useless at driving through double lane roundabouts.

But in some cases when the vehicle is massive, like a big truck and especially a truck and trailer, you have to give them leeway.

thejazzpianoma, Jun 29, 3:46am
I was really pleased to give someone who tried that a near heart attack in my LHD MG one day. Any other car and there would have been contact, but as they came drifting into my lane I had just time to smack their drivers window really hard with my fist.
There must have been less than 10mm to spare as they browned their pants and reacted.