My commodores brakes hardly work! everything feels fine, has new rotors
Jan 8, 12:22pm
Have you just fitted the new rotors! Did you also fit new pads! Did you remove the calipers entirely from the car or leave the lines connected! Have you bedded the brakes in at all! Just wondering if the brakes feel really wooden and hard as they often do when fitting before bedding them in or is it a spongy pedal feeling like air in the lines!
Jan 8, 2:24pm
Might seem stupid, but you didnt get grease, silicon etc on the brakes!
Jan 8, 2:27pm
did you clean the anti-rust preservative of the rotors before fitting them!
Jan 8, 3:44pm
Did they work better before the rotor change! If no change, check that the vacuum booster actually works.
Jan 8, 5:48pm
How does the pedal feel hard soft etc. Before starting the car pump the brake pedal until hard.With foot still on brake pedal start the engine.Brake pedal should start to sink if does not you have a brake booster problem ie no vacuum.
Jan 8, 6:52pm
Thanks for the replys! I didnt change the pads because they looked ok, i used brake cleaner to get all the oil off, and what i feel is that when i press down its kinda firm and no matter how hard i press they dont really work :(
Jan 8, 9:42pm
Sounds like they need bedding in. I take it they do work just not to the stage they did before the disc change. Take a gentle drive round the block with regular light brake applications. Usually the pads will bed in within a few kms. Don't make any really hard stops as this will apply too much heat and ruin what you are trying to do. Also (sounds dumb but I've seen it) make sure pads are in the correct way and you haven't left clamps on the hoses.
Jan 8, 10:28pm
You should ALWAYS replace disc pads with new ones with new rotors, that's why the probs.replace em before they score the rotors ASAP. Ensure you also bleed at least the disc brakes.ideally all the brakes.
Jan 8, 10:41pm
Jan 8, 11:07pm
Pads do not need to be replaced when doing Rotors.
Remove the pads, deglaze them and sand so they are square/flat. Refit and bed in.
Jan 9, 1:52am
Our VN Calais has always had crap brakes! Had all 4 discs machined, fluid replaced, pads new, rekitted calipers, still less stopping power than my HJ with disc/drum. I thought. too heavy for the size of braking system maybe!
Jan 9, 2:01am
Maybe you need to change the grade of the pads to something more suited to your drivibg style,
Jan 9, 2:20am
mine did that and there was a crack in the brake booster. happened all of a sudden. mine is a VS to
Jan 9, 2:23am
after reading how yours feel its just how mine were. i had to jump on them to get any action but even then there was very little. really dangerous to drive and quite scary.
Jan 9, 3:28am
cheers guys! ill change the pads and give it a bleed!
Jan 9, 2:07pm
I fitted front pads of my choice, before Owens had it. They changed them to thier choice. might swap them back and check the difference.
Jan 9, 2:17pm
You have obviously never run a workshop!
Jan 9, 10:53pm
I haven't ran one, but I've worked in one since I pretty much left school, and I do the majority of the brake work in my workplace
New Rotors with Deglazed/refaced pads are no different to fitting new pads. Yes it does save time and is easier to recommend to a customer to do pads at the same time, but isn't necessary.
Jan 10, 1:03am
Looking more like a faulty booster with every post. I wonder if he'll ever check it or, dare I say it, answer the questions!
Jan 10, 1:07am
He'll probably find time to check it when it's in the panel shop having the power pole removed from the grille. It sounds like way more than just "didn't change the pads"
Jan 10, 1:08am
my guess would be no vaccume at booster. but thats a guess.
Jan 10, 8:18pm
maybe he didnt take my advice about the brake booster because I'm a girl lol
Jan 11, 12:05am
That'll be it.
Jan 11, 1:56am
Ya sometimes those plastic boosters get a crack in them.No vacuum.
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