That is an ABS pump. The ABS light on the dash will only be on while the system is doing its power on test, unless there is a fault then it will stay on.
Dec 30, 1:49pm
the light may only illuminate breifly when you turn the key on
Dec 30, 1:54pm
jam the brake on whilst moving and see. otherwise try googling your vehicle
Dec 30, 2:04pm
It appears it was an optional xtra at the time, and as I have never owned a car with ABS, I'm not sure what to expect if I slam the brakes on at speed.I will have another look under the hood shortly. Thanks keep any suggestions coming.
Dec 30, 2:11pm
You should never slam the brakes on any way
Dec 30, 2:21pm
biddy6-there is an orange light comes up on the dash when you turn the ignition on.If the car has ABS the orange light saying ABSWILLlight up.-It really is that simple. Incidently USUALLY the 96CRV if fiutted with ABS had both ASS and at least a single air bag. Thats a giveaway right there.
Dec 30, 4:19pm
Thanks for the help, Kaz what is ASS, how does it work.
Dec 30, 4:24pm
lol---oops -sorry diddnt read before I posted -I meant to post ABS or of course I could be implying that drivers of 96 CRV's have a nice bit of .But um no
Dec 30, 5:22pm
you could ask the owner of the vehicle! Alternatively have a look in the glovebox for any old WOF checklists it should have a tick there somewhere for ABS selfcheck, if it is crossed out then no ABS
Dec 30, 5:35pm
The owner says it has ABS, he also believes it has a driver and passenger air bags, but it hasn't got either of these,(it has a top glove box where passenger side would be) so if it dosen't have abs or air bags, and I can show how I know this, then the price can be haggled down.
Dec 30, 5:37pm
A good idea but some models ofcar have abs and some variations of that model do not have abs. i.e different markets, nz and imported, lx, gx, gt all sorts of reasons. But the only true way to know is to look under the bonnet or look for the light.
Dec 30, 5:41pm
Just try the brakes out on a quiet road, when you hit them hard the brake pedal will pulsate and car will feel like it's wheels are about to lock up but don't.
Dec 30, 6:37pm
On early Hondas I believe the lamp says 'ANTI-LOCK' or 'ANTI-LOCK BRAKES' or perhaps even 'ALB' rather than 'ABS'.
Dec 30, 6:58pm
Biddy --I guess the question is -do you want a car with no abs!
Dec 30, 7:08pm
You rotton bugger--- Now I'm doubting my own memory regarding this specific vehicle year/model
Dec 30, 9:23pm
If you don't, the ABS won't activate!It's a common fallacy to think that like me, you learned cadence braking when young and when you graduate to a car with ABS, you drive the same way and ABS would be working all the time.I only learned properly about ABS when I did a day with instructor Mike Eady. You only need ABS in an emergency as under normal circumstances, you never need to brake hard anyway. If you want to know if it is working, the only way to test is indeed to find a quiet stretch of road (or better still, wet grass) and slam on the brakes as hard as you can. If the ABS is working, you'll feel it pulsating through your foot and you will stop easily and you can still steer whilst braking.If you don't have it or it isn't working, you'll just slide and will have no steering control.
Dec 30, 9:34pm
If your bonnet looks like Sonny Bill Williams torso, your car has abs.
Dec 30, 9:37pm
Slightly better way to to get up to 100kph,(Yes on a clear straight road) & LEAN really REALLY hard on the brakes. OR As Socram said, momentarily STOMP on the brakes.
Either way, grass isn't a good medium for testing but tar seal is good because thats what is was intended for.
ABS when working correctly WON'T lock up the wheels on hard surfaces, it might make them "shudder lock" in tiny dabs but thats all
Tested the ABS on a v6 Diamantie from 170kph (on a clear & straight side road)& no matter how hard I pushed on the brake peddle, it simply kept slowing the car down rapidly without even a hint of tyre squeal
Dec 30, 10:35pm
Thanks everyone, convinced it has niether air bags or Abs.
Dec 30, 10:38pm
If the bonnet looks like Dolly Parton it has airbags.
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