Replacing a motorbike/scooter registration label

comfreak91, Jun 12, 4:19am
Hi Everyone

Probably a bit more straight forward to some people here - Can anyone please tell me how to replace the registration label on a moped/scooter! Its sitting in one of those metal holders that hang below the rear number plate. I have no idea how to open it. Cheers :)

plasticboys, Jun 12, 4:20am
the clear plastic should slide out

gunhand, Jun 12, 4:21am
They slide apart. Can be sticky tho, ahole things

comfreak91, Jun 12, 4:46am
Thanks guys I got it. That was pretty primitive alright!

comfreak91, Jun 12, 4:47am
Spent a good 30 min smashing the acrylic out with a hammer

skin1235, Jun 5, 4:14am
if you'd slid a table knife in behind it you can just centralise the knife and twist, the acrylic pops out, clean the grooves and they pop back in too