If a gearbox syncros are stuffed and it mildly notches into some gears. Is the gearbox weak or is it jus the syncros need replacing!
Jun 7, 6:55am
If you don't hear any whining in gears, just notchy shifts then its probably just the synchros. Replacing them is a big job so unless the car is particularly valuable or you have cash to burn then its not really worth it. My car has bugger all synchro on second gear so I just learned to double clutch it, that way if I ever get thrown into a big truck or a pre-synchro car then I'll be able to manage :)
Jun 7, 8:02am
Haha, cheers. So replacing the syncros is a big job. Meaning itd be cheaper to just buy another box!
Jun 7, 1:55pm
depends on what sort of vehicle you have, but more often than not its cheaper to replace the box
Jun 7, 7:49pm
Make sure it has the right oil in it, Mitsubishis only like super slip gear box oil. Otherwise the gear change gets a bit notchy.
Jun 7, 7:58pm
also if been driven for a while crunching chances are the teeth on cogs will have wear
Jun 7, 8:57pm
Boxes these days are constant mesh!
Jun 7, 9:00pm
just rebuilt a evo2 and had to replace nearly all the gears,do you understand how a gearbox works!
Yeh, Well mine is actually for an evo 2. I understand how it works basically in theory.
Thanks guys
Jun 9, 11:01am
My Q originally was, because the syncros are shot. Is the Gbox now weak!
For example. If i were to limiter launch it on 20psi. Is there more chance that the gearbox will shit itself, than if the syncros were fine!
Jun 9, 3:40pm
not weaker but more chance of damaging the gears as the wont slow down to mesh and be forced in by your self
Jun 9, 3:41pm
a limiter launch at 20psi will be slower then say around 5500rpmwhich will get traction wuicker thus allowing boost to come on with grip and quicker 60 foot times
Jun 9, 3:59pm
Yes, 30 plus years experience!
Jun 9, 4:06pm
then you would know how they work,all in contsant mesh yes,but syncro function is to.
i have 10years exp only in modern gearboxes
Jun 9, 4:22pm
No prob's mate we are probibly in agreement on this one!
Jun 9, 9:08pm
Get a price to replace the synchros & bearings, second hand box could be just as badif you could find 1 . If take it out & refit yourselfcan save a lot of $.
Jun 9, 9:57pm
Pull it to bits and do it yourself. It's not that hard.
May 26, 3:18pm
Cheers guys.
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