what does it mean when car jam warns licence expired 5 months 6th dayson dec 10th dec 2010! may seem a silly question or simple but this is going somewhere just need to be sure
Jun 7, 4:35am
Otherwise (incorrectly) known as rego or registration.
Jun 7, 4:36am
It means exactly that, the licence label in the windscreen expired in December, if its not on hold whoever is selling it will be required to backpay until then, its not the buyers problem.
Jun 7, 4:36am
yeah thought so its just that car jam says that and the rego in the window with the numberplate etc on it is fully legit and it says rego expires in three days time. any ideas!
Jun 7, 4:38am
can you provide us a link to the carjam page!
Jun 7, 4:39am
i just bought it on . looked at the rego in the windscreen and its all ok. just dont wanna be stung in a few days when it get another rego
Nothing to worry about there, it needs relicencing in a couple of days thats all.
Jun 7, 4:42am
weird it changed . sorry guys thanks anyway
Jun 7, 6:31am
it is if you buy the car and the outstanding fee is not paid.
Jun 7, 6:37am
since when!We're talking license fees not RUC's.
Jun 7, 11:10am
this is confusing. one site i read says you are liable for outstanding fees butreading NZ TRANSPORT AGENCY Special circumstances!
heading I've bought a vehicle without a licenceanswer
You'll only be required to pay from the date you acquire the vehicle, not the date the licence was due. The seller is liable for the unpaid fees before you acquire the vehicle. i think i will go with this site
May 18, 11:08am
If there are outstanding license frees at the time of change of registered owner, the previous registered owner is liable for them not the new registered owner.
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