Oh, my Kroll burns waste / recycled oil so is basically free which suits a workshop perfectly so no ongoing costs etc
Apr 28, 4:40pm
well i would not burn diesel in a heater screw that lol. You would likely be cheaper to use a same shape lpg burner and get the lpg from cheaper places . like up here we can get 9kg filled for 20$ but only at 2 places others like bp petrol station charge 34$ just proofs that there is a ripoff going on.
Apr 28, 5:05pm
so you dont even know when you get it back! you probably get it back then on tuesdays . just what year is the question .
Apr 28, 5:17pm
Apr 29, 5:19am
also, be careful - ive found continous use of the lpg heaters can cause illness/feeling sick etc. i dont get that with diesel heaters thou. odd, but just fumes etc i imagine.
Apr 29, 5:25am
You probably don't have the time on your handsbut there are some surprisingly efficient designs you can knock together quite quickly out of a 44 gallon drum and some brass fittings. Then just temporarily attach it to the flue from the kroll. Basically they are just an oil dripper that drops oil in front of a small air jet fed from your shop supply. Oil gets atomised and burns. You could probably knock one up easily in a few hours if you have some appropriate bits lying around.
Apr 29, 6:11am
Can you suggest any links Jazz!
Apr 29, 6:21am
I have a much older version of the same thing Zeph, and it gets through 6 ltrs an hour. It is so nice on kerosine, but diesel is cheaper.
There isn't a cheap way to heat a workshop that I am aware of.
Apr 29, 6:38am
See James, you should have been a welder mate, no heater in my workshop lmao.
Hey check your mail, sent you some photos of the "brand new" Hilux we just modified, 4" lift, rock sliders, tree sliders, front guard protectors, rear bumper/tow-bar etc etc etc, looks unreal :) Hell the customer could have bought a good 90's VX for what hes spent so far.
Apr 29, 7:30pm
thanks jazz etc, - jazz my Kroll works on exactly that principle - Ive chucked a cat among the pigeons with the company so lets hope! I took the gas patio heater in today & its worked a treat - new workshop is fine once the sun is up on the clearlite - agree re gas dizziness , hell Im stupid enough without it!!
hey craig - yip sorry just havent sat down for a mail session - truck looks tough as! My young guy andy is lifting mine today (*all done 3" this time, have to do brake lines & caster bushes now but hey theres 4 hours left, I will just kick him a few times lol) Going to follow the herd this time & fit a Ironman bullbar - cheap as & look ok, can retain factory winch then. New 80 is going great - must faster than the old one, be faster once I 3" the exhaust & intercool it Would have done this earlier but these bloody customers keep coming!
Apr 30, 1:50am
Hi ralphdog, There is a heap of info on the net, I would probably suggest looking at a few sites and pick the best ideas from each.
Most designs are based on the "Babington Burner" some Geezer called Babington patented one in the 60's and I think even most of the commercial designs run along the same lines, just as Zeph mentioned.
So, do a google of "babbington burner" and also throw that and "waste oil burner" into youtube. I much prefer youtube videos for instructions where I can, but the choice is yours.
This is one of the first links that popped up for me when I looked and it seems to be much what I had in mind. I only looked briefly so you may find some better stuff. http://www.youtube.com/watch!v=8BUm2BK3-qw
Just one tip from me in case its not on any pages, I think the commercial ones like Zephs have a nice removable coke tray and they come with a spare. The idea is you can pull one coke tray out and leave it to cool for safe disposal and put the other one in so you can light up straight away. Its an idea worth copying.
Happy Building!
Apr 30, 1:56am
Best of luck Zeph! Sounds like you have provided appropriate motivation so hopefully your flash Kroll will be back in business soon. Very jealous by the way, would love one in my shed!
May 6, 1:22am
Any news! you better call em . To me it is normal that no one will do nothing unless you keep calling and calling and calling and calling and faxing on top.
May 6, 1:44am
Nah they reckon they are waiting for parts - strange because when I rang Kroll NZ they had never even heard of this company (the Mainlands only agent for them) so Im about ready to go pick it up next week & fix it myself, every single part is available off the shelf according to Brian from Kroll. Sheesh I tell ya, if the earthquake tested me - the sheer amount of shit Ive had to put up with since has been monumental
May 6, 1:51am
well get used to it i had a electrition todo some work at my house near ruapehu and they never done anything I did it my self 6 month later on a sunday with my electrition mate from up here and had it rechecked to comply by some 80 year old inspector that i knew would turn upashe did once before. Went to the electrition 3 month after i fixed it on a normal working dayand said i want my house key back now since its over a year and nothing was done . he said no problem opened the drawer and there where 50 more keys in the drawer . did not say another wordtook my key and walked off. I could write you a whole book full stuff like this.
May 6, 1:55am
Its the way of the modern world, put up with rubbish service & this is what happens I give my best every day Im at work - maybe why Im popular, could be Im interested in what people want, I dunno - but its working
May 28, 11:36pm
you got your heater back and working ! would be about time by now.
May 29, 3:20am
"electritions" must be a nth Island abberation certainly have not seen any in the sth Island in the last 40 yrs, we only have "electricians" here LOL
May 29, 7:40am
Ahahaha. You're so funny.
Jun 1, 2:15am
can you use used cooking oil in the kroll ! we have just installed a kroll and can get used cooking oil as well as engine oil from services . cheers for any info
Jun 1, 2:52am
well cooking oil with waste motor oil solidifies dont know if that is a smart idea . try and mix it in a small container and see if it is not going solid.
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