I could really do with more heat than a large butane gastorch from a 9kg will provide.What is it people use that is easy to get hold of.Cannot be bothered with acetylene & Oxygen cylinders too much hassle.Any thoughts please.Thanks
Jan 1, 1:29pm
Not a lot of choice, to get more heat, you need more oxygen. Only other way to get more heat is with a proper furnace & even those need plenty of air pumped in. Lpg + oxy is a lot better as long as you have the correct torch/tip & regulator
Jan 1, 2:34pm
Normal welding gear works with LPG. You need a bigger than normal tip, and lower than normal lpg pressure.Turn the lpg down low to light it, then turn it up a little, then turn the oxygen on a bit, then turn the lpg up a bit, then the oxygen up a bit, then the lpg up a bit etc, till you have the flame you want. the flame will be a little larger and softer than with acetylene, and it won't be quite as hot.
If you try to light the lpg at norml pressure or full setting, the flame will not light near the tip, and the flame will be a little way out from the tip, and it will blow out as soon as you turn the oxygen on.
The flame is plenty hot enough for brazing, heating etc, and it will weld, but you need to adapt the technique to suit the larger softer flame, and it takes longer to melt the steel.
Jan 1, 2:36pm
So can you own your own oxygen bottle! You must be able to aye!
Jan 1, 2:38pm
I dismantled a new, old fashioned lpg regulator, the ones with a screw in fitting similar to the acetylene fitting except right hand thread, then I dismantled the acetylene regulator and fitted the right hand threaded crux nut off the lpg onto the acetylene regulator. Both crux nuts were on a short stub of tube that screwed out of the regulator body.
Jan 1, 2:40pm
Yes you can own an oxygen bottle, or hire one.
Jan 1, 2:45pm
Apart from oxygen, using a blower will allow a lot more heat. They don't use pure oxygen in steel mills, just blown air. What are you heating! You could try a blacksmith/farriers hearth, or make a small furnace. My son has made several small furnaces that can melt aluminium easily, and would probably melt steel eventually. He used small steel drums such as brake fluid comes in, then he lined them with a clay/pumice or clay/sand or clay/ash mixture about fifty mills thick. He used a hand operated blacksmith blower and the paint never even burnt off the outsides of the drum, while everything inside the furnace was blindingly hot.
Jan 1, 2:57pm
what metal are you wanting to heat & for what purpose! i have a small handheld Mapp gas that heats metal but not enough to weld steel but braze copper yes.
Jan 1, 3:28pm
This may helphttp://www.tharwavalleyfor- ge.com/workshop-tour/tutorials- /11-venturi-burner-tutorial Good luck
I frequently have to straighten farm trailers, farm gates, steel beams nothing particularly heavy, but not able to get it near a forge or anything like that, so have to be able to use a gun and heat it up, so looks like I need and old oxy acy set up!thanks
Jan 1, 4:00pm
For that Oxy-LPG will be fine, and somewhat cheaper to run than Oxy-Acy. If you are frequently having to straighten stuff what about trying to deal with the Muppets who are frequently bending stuff as a first line of defense.
Jan 1, 4:04pm
I would agree with that, but it is generally me, its a real game when the tractor starts to slide with a trailer behind it, and you know something is going to end up bending or breaking.It should be added the extra job is to put several truckloads of rock into the slippier spots this year :-)
Jan 1, 7:12pm
Yep oxy/Lpg will be fine with the right set up & far cheaper then oxy/acet. BUT There is 1 catch, once you start heating with lpg/oxy, DON'T STOP if you can possibly help it because it is a fair bit slower buildup then oxy/acet. once UP it's fine, it's just getting the temp up from cold thats slow.
Jan 1, 8:13pm
For general heating, there is no difference between acetylene and LPG. It is only the inner flame that is a little softer and cooler, the long outer flame we use to heat large things with is just the same temperature as far as I have been able to tell. and I have been using LPG for several years now.
Jan 1, 9:06pm
^^^ acetelyne burns at higher temp than LPG , can be problem if wanting to cutsteel . If doing it regularymay pay to lease an oxyacetelene set, like aplumbers setsmall & easiy to carry . But dont use BOC
Jan 1, 9:13pm
I'm bloody sure you can use lpg and compressed air ( through a regulator )
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