That sounds fair enough, if you consider all the overheads, insurance, freight and wages that would go into purchasing that one part and keeping it in stock. Surprising how much goes into running a parts department these days, its almost a full time job.
Jul 28, 1:02am
Talking about a spread of prices. Today I "had reason" to buy a rear screen for an 02 nissan March (don't ask) Anyway from the wreckers the price for the same screen varied from $180 up to $580.So its not just S and S that have it wrong.
Jul 28, 1:25am
Why did you have to buy an new back screen for the March!
Jul 28, 3:17am
Very bad luck on "somebodies" part. (no not me). The elbow for a flag took a bit of a flying lesson when changing the flag. --up--up and yep smag bang into centre screen. Made a pretty loud noise when it happened. Interestingly enough dinner was cooked early and a cuppa coco was waiting for me this evening.--hmm
Jul 28, 3:19am
What kind of flag!
Sep 12, 8:45am
im picking real estate open home flag.
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