What kind of coach bodies you talking about mate! Steigers have some really well fitting screens for designline and kiwi bodies
Apr 12, 1:58pm
What has happened to TopSpeed! Haven't heard from him in ages.
Apr 12, 11:07pm
One of the problems is who they get to transport them . When had new 1 fitted to Bmw it took 2trips as in first loadhe said over half the screens weredamaged .including mine & had to wait another 2 weeksThats what happens whentheyuse cheap carriers
Apr 12, 11:33pm
It's the same down here, I went to mith & mith & was quoted $400. full replacement then went to carglass in otopuni ave and got it done for $265.
Apr 13, 3:23am
Couldnt agree more! some one at immigration isnt doing there job properly
Apr 13, 3:45am
i want some clear factory indicator lamps for a toyota.these lamps are regularly crushed along with the car or given away if you buy the guard, and yet if you actually have the cheek to ask for one second hand they want $40 EACH for them.WTF! get real jerks!
oh yeah and i remember my insurance company being charged $675 for a screen for an '85 323 :)
Jul 25, 6:35pm
sounds like my mechanic quoting me $140 for rear brake pads and i bought them retail for $29.95
Jul 25, 7:13pm
Thats a pretty cheap deal. Where did you get the screen!
Jul 25, 7:22pm
I think the worlds going crazy. seems to be lots of cowboys out there in evry industry. Lots of rediclous prices being thrown about, in every industry. 6meter Drain pipes, got quoted $250 from one place. $100 from another. bought them eventually for $45.00 each.
Went in to an electrical wholesaler here to buy an rj11. phone jackpoint that plugs in to a face plate. $35 from the wholesaler. $3 from Jaycar's for the same thing.
These days, you really have to shop around.it more often than not seems to be about, how much you can rip the customer off for.
Times are getting tough I guess.
Jul 25, 8:21pm
try autoglass stieger
Jul 25, 8:25pm
It's because things have got to the stage where the overheads of the average business have got too high and too few people are willing to get off their butts and do anything unless there's a huge markup involved.There are more than a few suppliers out there that need to wake up to the fact that a private individual can now organise car parts (for example) from across the world and have them freighted to their door for cheaper than what they can be bought from the shop down the road, assuming they even have it in stock, and thats all without even having to get out of their computer chair.And more often than not its OEM quality stuff too.
Jul 25, 8:28pm
i want everyone out of business who charges to much . like for a fuse i paid northpower 1.80$ when they replaces it once and the electrical place wanted me to pay 6$ for 1 fuse . so i went to northpower and gut 5 fuses at 1.80$ each from them . This country is a place wheresome rip you off by 1000 of % if you buy at the wrong placesone of em is ripco who rip every normal customer off emense . like they wanted 60$ for a paper filter for my merc lol I told em put it back on the shelf and walked out . got me one from HQ filtersfor 18bux each shop around or get ripped off it applyes for all and everything in this country. including food.
Jul 25, 8:43pm
damn right intrade, and this is highlighted by the fact that alot of these retail outfits have the cash to spend on flash TV adverts selling their slash and burn 50% off sales every other day of the week, if they can afford to lop that much off prices for even a short period, they are screwing you the rest of the time.Some of these appliance and homeware shops (you know who they are)are the worst.
Jul 25, 10:41pm
depends on availability ,if they have them in stock or get them from china. windscreens no longer made in NZ & dont think aussie makes them anymore either . Price of free trade .Yet i got 1 for my old BMW635 fittedat s&s $300
Jul 25, 10:49pm
agree about the car windows.Some one smashed the rear in my mates sons Toyota Hiace,,he reckons he was quoted $700.00 by some firm up Kerikeri.I got one for him from Stiegers for $180+gst.Slight difference in those prices.
Jul 25, 11:18pm
+1 for steigers
Jul 27, 3:06am
just got a screen for one of our coaches,good price,we had a vary in cost,from $4750---$9000,place in Auckland,$500, mind you,we had to get it trimmed 30mm,but,hell what a price difference,in now and on the road again,can't remember name offhand, as body shop guy found them,more on the way from them,already!
Jul 27, 6:46am
Been like that for many years. Just getting worse now.
Jul 27, 7:03am
shit yea.got quoted from smith and smith $520 new glass fitted and i thought fark/! thats nearly more than legacys worth then i bought the glass from a company called fast auto glass who sell on here,they fitted it for and all up cost $280.i told him about the quote from smith and smith he said they must be busy because if they aren't they are always under cutting them.so they must have been busy when i got i quote lol
Jul 27, 10:19am
I worked for an engineering supply outfit while between jobs and man some of the markups were incredible 200 to 800% of most stuff, mind i always gave a discount to everyone and if i knew the person, company or they became a regular customer then they got an even bigger discount, The boss had a bit of a spazz at me for doing that but when i explained that these guys would be back and they tell their mates etc then we would get more business, which we did he was happy, You know a mark up of say 400% and you give 25-30% discount wont hurt that much, others were quite happy to pay full price. Bit like my Auto parts i always shop around, Also found a place online with free freight where i can get flowery V8 engine dress up type parts for less than 1/2 price on what they are on TM, Another was we bought a wii console, found a place overseas with free freight worldwide for all the accesories for next to nothing
Jul 27, 2:53pm
Did you buy the same quality as he was quoting!
Jul 27, 6:45pm
I agree on this one, brake pads are tricky. A good mate of mine who owns a repair shop has people complaining regually about the price of his brake pads. I have seen his margins and they are very small.
What it is, is he is using a very high quality pad on the premise that because his customers are paying labour as well with pads its more economical for them to use a better quality pad to save them having to keep paying to replace them all the time, each time incurring labour costs.
Hmmm should have been more full stops in there. but you get my drift.
BTW I am pretty sure he has done some tests of his own on the cheaper pads before arriving at this conclusion. he's a pretty switched on chap.
Of course that's not to say every garage is as honest. I wouldn't be at all surprised if there are a lot around ripping you off for no reason. Its just important to differentiate between the two.
Jul 27, 7:52pm
i know what your trying to get at but i know the brake pads that he may have purchased and i think his talking about 'brake plus' as i have sold many sets not one was returned due to failure.yes out of hundreds and have never heard of them delaminating etc,they are a slightly softer compound and will spread the brake dust around the wheel nicely to cover up those gutter rashes.but they actually have a rating of over 1ton and with stands heat up to 600 degrees celcius and will out perform feredo zero and excell pads worth $50-$70 and being a softer compound they dont scuff up they disk rotors and subject them to more were and tear like i have seen bendix and feredo and remsa pads do.
Jul 27, 11:04pm
Brake plus are shit pads, they squeal and they contain asbesdos.
Jul 28, 12:06am
yep, i've seen the parts boxes of items there. quoted $10 for number plate bulb and thats a wedge bulb thats probably $2 at most ! ( it was only loose from when they replaced one at last wof !)
anyway , its a 91 avenir so not exactly performance orientated and only done 8k km in 10 months.
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