Starter solenoid buggered on my L200

henderson_guy, Mar 2, 3:33am
Guess I should update you guys. The bloody thing was fine through winter, then as the temperatures got hotter the problem reared its head again, until the starter lunched itself. Literally. Split the housing, completely destroyed. Aftermarket one, installed.$250

phillip.weston, Mar 2, 7:23am
well hey at least it wasn't $15,000 for a replacement for a transmission like that poor 2006 Golf GTi owner.

skin1235, Mar 2, 2:31pm
very possible that it was the bushes collapsed, this would have been noticed if it had been sent in for brushes way back when the first post was made - and saved you $250 minus whatever they charged for brushes and bushes ( and at the prices they charge today for those small jobs you may have actually made on the deal at $250 for a replacement lol)

henderson_guy, Mar 2, 8:48pm
Quite possible! However, there would have been no guarantee that the brushes were the problem.leading to a $15,000 brush replacement and THEN a $250 starter 10 months later.

marte, Mar 2, 11:01pm
My starter stopped going once & it turned out that the plate that held the brushes had lost a screw & that had offset the brushes & so then it wouldn't work.

ie, it might be something that can be fixed easily.

skin1235, Mar 2, 11:04pm
$15,000!, lol, wasn't aggressive, you got another 10 months near for free, good on ya, and $250 would have been at least what it would have cost to pull it down,and as you say may or may not have found and fixed all problems

henderson_guy, Mar 3, 1:36am
Believe me, it was NOT something that could be fixed!

henderson_guy, May 23, 1:56am
The damn thing has been temperamental for about a week now, 9 times out of 10 it starts fine. What is involved in repairing it! The ute isa 1997, 2.6L petrol. 4x2.

skin1235, May 23, 2:02am
depends on how far you want to go at home, not impossible to open them and repair/replace the contacts

or just slap another solenoid on the starter ex the wreckers, or those spare starters under the bench

but are you sure it is in fact the solenoid, most use the main brushes as the solenoid earth ( imparts a slow spin to the armature to assist in the gears engaging fully before full crank force is applied) - if the main brushes are getting down the solenoid will not even pull in - often diagnosed as a shot solenoid so great expense and effort is gone into to replace that to no avail - it still won't work
95% of the time it is the starter brushes at fault not the solenoid

henderson_guy, May 23, 2:06am
No I am not sure, to be perfectly frank. I guessed it was the solenoid as when it fails, it will either click rapidly (whilst cranking) or it will do nothing at all until it gets a tap, usually the former.

skin1235, May 23, 2:16am
rapid click is primarily battery issues, but is also the first noticeable failure of the solenoid, see note above re likelihood of it being the brushes though, without a reliable earth path etc
simply put, I'd be checking them before pulling the solenoid down - once the starter is off the engine it is less hassle to check them, and if worn replace them then try again, involves 5 minutes with an 8mm spanner to check against 45 minutes and a soldering gun, an impact wrench, some replacement contacts etc and still not fix the issue
generally you'd need to touch base with your local workshop to fit brushes - most soldering guns will not develop enough heat - but if you have naked flame it will be a home job

henderson_guy, May 23, 2:28am
Definitely not the battery. That was replaced and the alternator reconditioned about 6 months ago. May just drop it in to my mechanic and let him sorted. Ordinarily I'd have a play with it myself, but got a lot on at the moment and not much free time.

bigfatmat1, May 23, 3:14am
l200 solenoids are of a non serviceable sealed type. Not as in the Nippon denso type as mentioned above where the contacts can be changed. However your symptoms could be brushes as mentioned above.

henderson_guy, May 23, 3:31am
Cheers guys, appreciated.

johanes, Jun 10, 11:00am
a lot of mizti had trouble with the small slide on terminal on solenoid. replace it .