Tyre Marking

lou64, May 22, 7:08pm
Hi guys years ago i was told that the yellow dot on new tyres was a point to help balance the tyre.and to place it beside the valve is that an urban myth!cheers Lou

unbeatabull, May 22, 7:08pm
Yes, it does generally help to balance the tyre, but at the end of the day you're going to have to balance the wheels anyway so doesn't really matter where abouts it is.

tarshao, May 22, 7:10pm
i was told this also and find that it does usually work if the rim is no damaged

noelsgimps, May 22, 7:27pm
You learn something new every day. Had wondered about that.

lou64, May 22, 7:48pm
Thanks for the quick reply Guys will line dot up when i replacemy tyres this afternoon,will be interesting to see how it effects the balancing .once again CHEERS Lou

clark20, Mar 22, 4:19pm