The Most Unreliable Car?

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sr2, Mar 10, 2:22pm
No the "landcrab" was the Morris 1800.

robbo36, Mar 10, 2:39pm
We called them all landcrabs. The Kimberly, the Tasman and the Maxi. lol

taurus61, Mar 10, 2:46pm
Trekka !

hotrodtodd1, Mar 10, 3:31pm
Friends dont let friends buy Mitsubishi.

Pity it took me a few to see the pattern in their unreliability. Didnt seem to matter if it was a manual or their genuinely awful and unreliable auto, if its a Mitsi, Im sure the trans will let you down sometime.

and then when you go to replace it, theres about 5 million different versions and they dont interchange.

Yuk, Yuk, Yuk

sr2, Mar 10, 3:39pm
I have to admit I??

nave12, Mar 10, 4:23pm

phyco62, Mar 10, 5:49pm
What ever yar jerk!

socram, Mar 10, 5:52pm
Immaculate one was at my birthday bash two weeks ago. Owner also has some much nicer cars but thought he'd bring the Trekka for a laugh.

phillip.weston, Mar 10, 5:57pm
My 1991 Galant VR-4 which is somewhat of a performance saloon with 240hp, 4WD and 4 wheel steering has made it 20 years and 200,000kms without any serious issues. Granted I do care for it well but that basically includes just garaging it and doing a service every 6 months/5,000kms. I've only ever had to do maintenance items like tie rod ends and brake pads, I haven't come across any other car which doesn't require such maintenance. Care to explain why it hasn't fallen apart inside and out yet! It's not like I nana it either -

zevion, Mar 10, 6:01pm
It must have been the one i worked on years ago - what a piece of shit!

zevion, Mar 10, 6:06pm
1984 xe falcon - replaced every door handle on it at least three times. What didn't fall off it i had to repair. those Ford design engineers wanted shooting! And that comes from a bloke that likes american Fords.

pdc1, Mar 10, 7:04pm
surely Triumph Stags need a vote too!

elvis58, Mar 10, 7:12pm
Audi 80, almost all repairs are more expensive then the value of the POS car.

thejazzpianoma, Mar 10, 7:56pm
Yes, and thirsty and underpowered to boot. Thankfully Audi/VW have come leaps and bounds since then.

bjmh, Mar 10, 8:29pm
Isuzu Wizard or Holden frontera with 4JXI dieselthe poxiest thing on the road at the moment, you need to have one of these .like a wart on your .

elect70, Mar 10, 8:49pm
most unreliablevl commythose poxy cam angle sensors always packed up miles from home had 4 plus 1 used dizy , Most reliablemitsi V3000 wagon aussie built300k never let me down .

stevo2, Mar 10, 10:36pm
cheers stevo

andrew499, Mar 10, 10:41pm
Well, since we've strayed away from the original 10-15 years, how about the Vauxhall Viva and Chevette for unreliability!

franc123, Mar 10, 10:57pm
clearly it didn't dawn on you that the door hinge pins and bushes were worn!replace those and adjust the doors properly and the handle breakage problem disappears.Those little taiwanese fellas that make the handles love people like you.

socram, Mar 10, 11:09pm
That is another car built 30+ years ago, not 10-15.

Just for the record, the Austin 1800 only got the Landcrab nickname after its brilliant showing in the London to Sydney marathon and was a comment by a helicopter pilot I believe.The car would have won the marathon if the driver hadn't stopped to help out another competitor.Reputed to be one of the strongest monocoque bodyshells ever produced. (Ignore the rust - that wasn't part of the design!)

I just wish some posters on here would realise that times have changed from 40 years ago and to compare any ten year old car with any 40 year old car is totally pointless. If you want to rubbish 40 year old cars, just look around and note what models you don't see any more, either at shows or on the roads.

icemans1, Mar 10, 11:19pm
+1. strong body but crap running gear

_peas, Mar 10, 11:32pm
I too questioned the unreliable tag given to the Cavalier.I know that if things go wrong then go see the bank manager but wasn't aware of any serial problems with them. Still, wouldn't touch one.

From my 5-6 years of working in parts I'd have to nominate the 4D56-t hand grenade. er Pajero.Most requested vehicle for parts that I can recall.That may have something to do with the apparent lower socio-economic sector that owned them to whom servicing was checking the oil level.

gunhand, Mar 10, 11:47pm
Well said. Its funny that its the door handles fault when the door clearly didnt open or close the way it should if correctly lined up. And why is it people excpect things that have been opened and closed slammed and banged 6 million times to last anyway. Things do wear out oddly enough.

andrew241, Mar 10, 11:57pm
The sad part is they had it right with the 1HZ engine, Now with common rail and computer shit and what realy wrecked them is the 2010 onwards have air bags.Sad but true.

trogedon, Mar 11, 12:05am
_peas wrote:
I too questioned the unreliable tag given to the Cavalier.I know that if things go wrong then go see the bank manager but wasn't aware of any serial problems with them. Still, wouldn't touch one.

A tidy black Cavalier passed me today.but I was on my bicycle.