Engine rebuilding - block

guider1, May 14, 12:48am
Is that a diesel by any chance! That's pretty ugly. what make/model of motor!

hollyshaw, May 14, 12:49am
Oh sorry probably should have said what is it.
Its a 3sge NA 2nd gen motor

mrfxit, May 14, 12:50am
LOL yea sure fill the hole by all means BUT . DON'T expect it to last.
The block needs welding & surfacing or. biffing

guider1, May 14, 12:52am
Man. i've never seen anything that corroded except an outboard. That's going to take some surfacing to get rid of those deep corrosion marks or epoxy fill it.

petermcg, May 14, 1:02am
if it is only connecting the water jackets it might not be so much of a problem.

hollyshaw, May 14, 1:03am
cool, fair enough. someone has been there before and filled it at some stage

hollyshaw, May 14, 1:05am
It almost looks like someone has grinded it out a bit to fill it up!

almosttherenow, May 14, 1:08am
Heres my 2 cents. Forget that block and find 1 with life left in it. that is tooted.

alltorque350, May 14, 1:27am
+2 Chuck it.

rlr29, May 14, 3:38am
Post some pics of the head plz!

johnf_456, May 14, 4:01am
Scrap metal make money off it! Ignore others above don't chuck it, take it to a scrap metal guy and make money instead! Do it right first time

mrfxit, May 14, 4:25am
Duh well yea . direction of suggested 'chucking' is always variable

johnf_456, May 14, 4:25am

mrfxit, May 14, 4:25am
Mmmmmm if YOU could do the prep & welding your self, then it could be worth the effort.

almosttherenow, May 14, 5:05am
Weld that! what about the distortion to the tops of the bores afterwards! There is more involved than a couple of welds and a surface. And scrap metal value of the block would probably pay for the fuel to get it there. Get a piece of glass cut for the top and call it a coffee table maybe!

johnf_456, May 14, 5:11am
Depends where your nearest scrap guy is, for me from here its not far but if you think its not worth it put around the corner in the yard. Or even drop it off when you are going somewhere near the scrap guy. Let the metal build up to one big load then go. As for the coffee table if the misses allows it.

pollymay, May 14, 5:23am
Shortblocks are $80 at pick a part. I have a couple of those blocks perfect and I'll probably biff them. Not worth the hassle

guider1, May 14, 7:30am
What's the issue with distortion if it's getting bored & decked!. there isnt an issue.
Personally i'd throw it too. There must be a better one out there for you to start with.

mrfxit, May 14, 3:53pm
Done a LOT WORSE then that.
Once did a Hillman Imp block, welded the block in so it had a solid top,Planed it & redrilled whatever cooling holes it needed & it never gave any hassles after that.
Used to do allow heads pretty often a few years ago.
Alloys from around the 60's, 70's & 80's were bad for corroding even with additives

mrfxit, May 14, 3:55pm
But yea . most ppl either can't be bothered, or can't afford the work , or DON'T HAVE THE BALL'S to repair parts now.

hollyshaw, Feb 21, 8:48am
head has been fix at engine rebuilders. they welded something similar up. didn't get photos sorry. will be picking it up next week.