Gull Petrol. Is it better or worse in any wayi39ve heard the diesel is bar far the best diesel out there but what about the petr

gamerman_64, May 13, 5:52pm
Is it better or worse in any way!I've heard the diesel is bar far the best diesel out there, but what about the petrol!At 4c cheaper it's usually where I fill up, but I'm wondering if theres some downside to it.

intrade, May 13, 5:57pm
try it i find caltex diesel to be good also. whangarei gull is burneddown so be filling caltex for the trip today.

gamerman_64, May 13, 6:07pm
Woah it burned down!Shiiit.

rpvr, May 13, 6:37pm
I do road inspection work in a Toyota Starlet using 91, and find that the Gull 91 without the ethanol blend gets me consistently more km per litre than other brands. The stuff with the ethanol gets me about the same as other brands. I think all of the higher octane Gull fuel has ethanol, but be aware that some Gull stations have 91 with ethanol, some without.

tuttyclan, May 13, 7:51pm
Our local Caltex is next to a Gull.Gull is 4 cents a litre cheaper than other stations a bit further away.The Caltex here has matched its price to the neighbouring Gull.I go to Caltex with my 4 cent supermarket voucher and save another 4 cents.So I save 8 cents compared to stations further away from Gull and I go past the station every day anyway.

ontwowheels, May 13, 11:38pm
twice after filling up at a gull station my car died, only to find water in the bottom of my tank. I didnt assume it was from them at first as it was an old VL commy. But after completly removing it the first time and having it happen agian I got suspicious. Never filled up there again, and never had that problem again.

johnf_456, May 13, 11:45pm
The only way is to try it out yourself, every car is different. Some like xxx brand fuel others hate it when others vice versa is fine.

neville48, May 14, 6:09am
went to beach hop in my 48 ford coupe, flathead and all and filled with gull both directions in the middle of the forest south of tokoroa and the car has never gone better,smoother etc, totally noticable change using gull fuel,not ethanol blended either.i hope !

doug207, May 14, 6:15am
All fuels except Gull are refined in the same NZ plant, but they all have to meet saleable standards, ergo,there are no real differences between them.

johnf_456, Feb 18, 8:44am
Yup all fuel is the same except for additives so I believe.