Bad taste?

gunhand, Apr 30, 12:44am
Now that you point it out it does kinda look likeit is.Fridge paintings cool. Ive done a few for a laugh.

attitudedesignz, Apr 30, 12:47am
Yeah, not the kinda image i want to portray, with ANZAC day just past and all.

im_andrew, Apr 30, 1:11am
Fridge looks awesome, but yeah it does look like a medal. Probably only because you suggested it, though

purple666, Apr 30, 1:29am
Paint a keyhole in the middle of the maltese cross and it would look ok

neville48, Apr 30, 2:12am
drop the iron cross,its not even in the middle of the white fogging ,looks unbalanced and has to go, rest is neat tho huh.

foxdonut, Apr 30, 2:58am
Sadly, like the Swastika, the Iron Cross has come to represent something entirely different to what it was originally.

How would you feel about removing both the cross and the heart! They break the flow overall I feel. Also, if I stare at the top section I see a womans rear end.

What has been seen cannot be unseen. ;P

i-n-horz, Apr 30, 3:37am
If you do another cross coming from the bottom opposite to that at the top it would look sweeeeeeeeeet.bruthoooooooo-

racetoy, Feb 16, 7:55pm
Hey john i like your other design over on garage journal