Long story short im goin to look at one tommorow interior has been looked after well car looks good as far as i can see milage is definately high as in the 2s nearly 3s i asked if its had many problems recently wife and husband said nope but it has little minor promblems with it ie glovebox wont close properly reason for selling hubby in wheel chair now so theyv got a van they seem like good honest people and are giving it to me 4 $850 now thats sounds good to me but what do i look for and ask qz about or for that price should i just be happy coz its worth it but im not sure if u could tell me things about faults that may happen or things to ask about wud be great!thanx im sure if i turn it down it will get scooped up but all advice apreciated:)
May 11, 9:03am
2 to 3 hundred k's isn't high for a start, at $850 and if it's got rego and wof, i would grab it
May 11, 9:16am
Year chances are its been serviced well to, I would take the punt for that kind of money, Tbh It would be worth that in parts. Nothing ventured nothing gained.
May 11, 9:29am
milage is 295367 is that high!
May 11, 11:06am
it's a 6 cylinder - 300 is moderate, 500 is high. my '99 calais has done 200
May 11, 11:11am
that car is worth about $2k
Feb 8, 7:04am
We have a VR done 315000km, friends VT has done 408000km. If you dont want it give me their number, i'll buy it without even looking at it.
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