Hi Everyone Im looking at getting a 50cc scooter to use around the area (Probably no more than 5km a day with a couple hills).
Was just wondering if anyone knows much about the cheaper scooters for sale from China for around $900-1200 brand new! If they are reliable and perform well! The other option would be to spend about 1500 and get a second hand branded one, but would have done about 4000-5000 k's
Many thanks :) All advice appreciated
Mar 20, 4:17pm
I would go for the tidy used Japanese one. The Chinese ones, from what I've seen, are simply a continuous supply of frustration.
Mar 20, 4:51pm
make sure you get a 2 stroke the 4 strokes are unbelievabily slow,have a look at the v moto scooters they seem to be a resonable quality and are one of the better brands overseas
Mar 20, 9:15pm
if you want value for money get a PGO comet, these are Korean rather than Chinese, built quality is much the same as any jap equivilent but with a smaller price tag, not sure on the cost of new but we bought our 2006 needed minor work (after someone stole it and damaged it) for $350 it just seems to go and go, and unlike most other 50cc scooters it is capable of 80kph (not that we hoon everywhere but its good to be able to keep up with traffic), and has enough room under the seat to fit your helmet, I regularly see these on here between $500 and $800 and they look just as good as any japanese scooter.
Mar 21, 1:34am
I bought my wife a 50cc brand new Chinese scooter for her ^%th birthday - without having tried one.
Biggest purchasing mistake I have ever made in my life - bar none.
Every time I go to it, tyres are flat.Battery didn't last.
Struggles up even the slightest slope and handles like a jelly.
After nearly 5 years, it is parked at the back of the garage and has covered a grand total of 52kms as I decided it was too dangerous for her to drive.Get a branded scooter or even a small motorbike, but steer well clear of anything you haven't tried on a hill.
Mar 21, 1:37am
Agreed, my father who is quite a portly chap has a 2003 - 05 (cant quite remember) PGO Comet 50cc with about 65,000kms on the clock. Blasts around Hawkes bay like it is brand new! Granted a lot of the roads there are usually quite flat but it is a singlehanded testimony to a gutsy little 2 stroke. I would definately look at a PGO
Mar 21, 5:37pm
I've had a couple of Honda Dio's (50cc two stroke beasts) and they were great.Went really well (for 50cc anyway), and the handling was quite nice (for something with tiny wheels).
Mar 22, 12:13am
Can't remember! Begins with "Q". Qingqi!Had the registration on hold for the last 3 years.
May be OK for a race paddock transport to save my tired feet, as I seem to spend half my time walking up and down the paddock.
Apr 2, 12:31am
Awesome advice thanks Im going to rent a Yamaha 2 stoke from the Yamaha store to test on some hills this weekend my first drive on one ever to help me work out what I want to buy
Apr 2, 12:47am
Forget the Chinnese crapp mate we use to import 100s of these things and they are nothing but trouble Big F##kn trouble, buy a Jappa or Euro
Apr 2, 3:47pm
dont get chinese. get a jap, honda or suzuki. 2 stroke for extra power and their still economical. think it cost me $1 to get 10k, $1 would prob only get your 9k now though. this was back when petrol was just under $2. and dont get anything that someone has played around with. i done that and paid $400 for the repairs on it., i had the factory parts though luckily and put them back on and it ran alot better.
Apr 2, 7:55pm
Stick to the major brandsof scooters the china ones have a lot of problems. my sister and i had one for close to 20 plus years. it was a suzukiscooter and it was second hand brought of a fishing boat, which was 20 plus years ago. never had any problems apart from the standard maintance. ie tyresetc.i have even brought a late model one no problems. if want want piece of mind spend the money and go new on a decent brand. you will never regret it. and it will pay for itself many times over.
Apr 4, 10:36am
honda pal is the same too very good fast and no probs had one for 10 yrs still going mint
Apr 4, 11:25am
Definiately buy a Japanese two stroke scooter, The Yamaha CY50 Jog is very good value for money, here's a good comparison of all the models on sale here from 2008:
my mate who breaks up ,for parts, the Chinese scooters,says they are very weak in the suspension, wheels; steering ,and brakes and the exhaust.
Apr 5, 5:41am
lol so their basically weak everywhere
May 7, 12:49am
this is probably going to be the stupidest question . but do you need a motorbike licence for scooters or is your car licence all that is required!
May 7, 2:53am
car license for up to 49cc and no wof but not a bad thing to have m/cycle license same as ht never know when you will need it
May 7, 3:00am
Good advice, kaz knows his stuff about bikes and anything cars
May 7, 3:01am
I have one here I'm trying to fix I think the scrap metal dealer is the best option I think.
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