Not a hope in hell of doing anything. I believe it's a bandaid fix for the atrocious driving in this country. I've been driving since 13 and had to out in the boondocks yet I see 40 somethings that can't even get a roundabout right, that says something about the driving standards
May 6, 4:44am
I agree totally, a young driver myself who did everything by the book from the age of 15 and never had a crash. But I do think the zero tolerance for repeat drunk drivers is a good move, one of the my mate knows is on his 5th conviction and still keeps on driving even though hes disqualified. Totally disgusting these people put lives at risk.
May 6, 6:00am
I knew it all when I got my licence. Then I turned 19 and backed my Corolla backwards down a 20 metre bank at open road speeds. Attitude changed after that.
May 6, 6:11am
I'm only young, and I got my licence dead on my birthday, in fact, it only took me 1 year, 6 months, and 10 days, to go from learners to full.
Pretty disgusting really.
We need, better driver training, better roads (Our roads are disgusting to say the least) and better cars for young/inexperienced drivers.
Speed has nothing to do with it, infact, most speed limits here are suitable for the condition of our roads.
May 6, 6:13am
Yeah speed limits are suitable but people don't obey them anyway, but really its not just young drivers that are the problem. Even a 10 question test when you renew your license would be a start.
May 6, 6:15am
Nah, our driver training is pitiful, they need to be better, look at european road stats compared to ours.
May 6, 6:18am
Well you have to start some where, a lot of drivers seem to be un aware of road rules full stop. Basically they get there license and go their own way of driving. Some people I know don't even know how to indicate at roundabouts and they have being driving 30 years. But yip training for sure.
May 6, 6:19am
I'm 20 now, on my full, no accidents, no tickets. Most of the time when I see something stupid happening on the roads its usually a older person. Soccer mum sort of age group.
May 6, 6:29am
Euro cars aren't shitboxes either. Not the sole reason but consider that to. The UK is pathetic, germany and the like I have respect for.
I rolled my car when I was 16 at 100mph on a closed road course yet on road I've never had an accident. In fact I have people look down on me cause I mention "oh I have a couple racecars and go to events" and they flip out like I'm the most dangerous thing on 4 wheels. It is pathetic to think that people really consider someone that has furthered their driving skill some kind of danger while they drive around ignorant of advanced driving skills like controlling a slide or brake pedal modulation on lock up.
[story] the other day on the way home from working I came over a blind hill and nearly destroyed a few cars cause I was doing 90 on this nice bit of road and there was a hyundai stopped in the middle of the road, a dog running around on the flush median and a dog control officer behind that hanging off her door in oncoming traffic. I hit the brakes the hardest I ever have and felt the ABS pulsing, haul up in time only to find the hyundai was someone that had just stopped beside the dog to "shoo" it away. So we have one flaming retard in my lane, a retard dog control in the other and a dog running wild in the middle. I was weighing my options if I wasn't gunna make it and I could of hit the guy in my lane, killed the dog and officer or hit the powerpole trying to duck left. Got on the horn cause now I'm sitting stopped shitting my pants on a blind hill and a van comes over the hill and nearly destroys me. Every single one of the people there was a dumbass. Let the dog go cause it isn't worth your life or others especially if you are a stranger just stopped in the damn road. What the hell is wrong with peoples logic. Were they working on the theory that I could stop a 2 tonne car on a dime! I mean I was only doing 90 and had no trailer in a fairly modern be it full of junk and heavy car with good brakes and tyres. Idiots, it's as bad as the stopping for ducklings saga.[/story]
May 6, 6:38am
agreed completely pollymay. Just recently in the news there was a case of a vehicle full of people avoiding an animal and they ended up killing a couple people in the process. Im sure the dog owner was more than gradeful that people died to protect their precious rover
May 6, 6:51am
It wouldnt be a problem if you were driving at the speed for the conditions as a race car driver you should know that dont blame it on someone else. What if car was crashed, people on the road, a load fell off the truck. Moral of the story is you must be able to stop in half the distance of clear road. Saying it was only a dog does not make it better, allow for the unexpected. Which is required by law anyway that you must stop in half the distance of clear road.
Or if a bus crashed you would of killed all the kids and youre a race driver!
May 6, 6:53am
90 over a blind hill is a bit fast considering you cant see over it. Pays to be safe than sorry.
May 6, 7:19am
Then I'm in the way of traffic doing 100, 120 and the like. The freaking cops do 100 over it. I'm sorry but you can't stop at every interval assuming the worst because you will become "the worst". There are blind corners everywhere while driving, people don't stop for green lights because they want to make sure the traffic they can't see has stopped for the red, assumption is just part of driving, 90 is hardly excessive on a perfect bit of road with a crest, being a dope and "shooing" a dog is straight retarded in this spot. Any one of those guys could of pulled over further or taken actions knowing it's a dangerous piece of road but they all gather round running in circles.
It is a bit of road that has had fatals before due to things like this, people not moving over before slowing for the flush median has caused some pearlers
May 6, 7:23am
sorry gotta call BS for this one "blind crests and corners" we'd all be stopping or slowing down all over the place causing even more accidents!
May 6, 1:41pm
That is exactly the point we are trying to make about poor driving in this country.
The majority of drivers think it ok to travel at 90kph over a blind crest.
Dont worry. the fonterra tanker pulling out of a dairy farm tanker track just over the hill will be up to speed and out of the way long before you get there.(NOT)
May 6, 1:49pm
Driver training should start early as possible starting at 11-12. Drivers licence should be 17- 18.
May 6, 1:54pm
The problem in NZ is the attitude of drivers in the main. Yes some are plain dumb and have no clue, while others think they are bullet proof and own the road. Because it is 100k I can do 100k and to hell with everything else. Something about schooling maybe. When driving overseas I have found drivers show courtesy for others. Here in NZ this not the normal attitude.Until attitudes change, and drivers show consideration we will always have ahigh road kill and accident rate.
May 6, 2:04pm
Well said.
May 6, 2:20pm
Yup has i said you must be able to stop half the distance of clear road, which polymay is missing the point.
May 6, 2:23pm
Yes very well but what part of the law dont you get. You must be able to stop in half the distance of clear road aka drive to conditions. As for being in the way of traffic doing 100 120 tough, 100 is not a must do speed and if you want to speed thats your own problem.
Its not about justifying running over animals its about driving defensivly which drive training and experience will teach you. Which again you are required to stop in half the distance of clear road.
May 6, 2:29pm
Yup well said
May 6, 2:33pm
How is stopping in half the distance of clear road bs. Its law perhaps hand in your licence then you dont just do 100 or max speed everywhere. Didnt say you need to stop but proceed with caution, drive experience and training will teach you.
Driving at a speed that means you are unable to stop in half of the clear distance ahead 20 D points
Driving in a lane at a speed that means you are unable to stop in the length of lane that you can see 20 Driving at a speed that means you are unable to stop short of the vehicle ahead 20 Until attitudes start changing the road toll will not change, especially when some people think they can do 90 or 100 through anything because its closer to the speed limit.
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