Evidence! What's the average open road speed in NZ!
May 6, 3:59pm
Its my opinion and others in here, we all know a lot in like to ignore speed limits. Also the amount of people day in and out going faster like its their right to some. If people didnt speed there would not be a focus on it. But this is off topic.
But the real issue is attiudes here in nz and lack of training.
May 6, 4:19pm
I dissagree. i spend far too long on NZ roads each week for my liking, but the actual percentage of people speeding is not very high at all. The average open road speed between chch and oamaru for example, would be lucky if its over 90 kph.
What is obvious, is very poor manners, and blatant innatention.
Speed is just much easier to catch, hencethe focus on it.
May 6, 4:20pm
I bet you don't slow down to UNDER 90 ks up every blind hill just in case there is a car stopped on the other side.i think you are full of it .i have read some of your posts, you seem to think you are the most wonderful driver in NZ.i bet you are not .people like you are half the problem.thinking you are better than you actually are.
May 6, 4:24pm
Agreed. When I first started driving 120 would keep you up with traffic, maybe. These days if I sit on 100-105 I'm passing the general flow.
May 6, 4:34pm
I agree,i do on average 1000ks a week and see atrocious road manners.personally i think slow drivers holding up traffic far more dangerous,,people just get impatient and pass in bloody silly places.i see a lot off accidents on the road in my job and most are not speed related.see a few alcahole ones though .A ps here in my job we have driver training every year and we also get accessed every year with a driver trainer.doesn't make us the best rivers in the world but does keep us up to speed and keep our bad habits to a minimum.i think .lol.
May 6, 4:40pm
I agree speed is not the issue hence an off topic reply. As I have said attiude is one of the main
May 6, 4:50pm
What needs to happen is a more in depth driver training program while at secondary school it should be in a compulsory class of its own as with maths,science etc. The percentage of young people and people in general that will use vehicles and public roads in and during their lifetime is massively high so why wouldn't it be a mandatory subject in secondary school!.maybe then attitudes will be wiser but you'll always have the gits on our roads.
May 6, 4:57pm
I agree speed is not the issue hence an off topic reply. As I have said attiude is one of the main ones. Obviously slow their, I have noticed that also outside of auckland its a lot better.
May 6, 5:00pm
Hey your slip'n there johnny boy.keep the hot toddys down to a minimum aye ;)
May 6, 5:04pm
I dont think I'm topsbut I try to be. How many tickets and crashes have you had, me not one in driving all these years. What im saying is general kiwis think they can do the max speed any where, no one is perfect and im not saying your not either. But we have a lot of drivers that need training and lack understanding of basic rules.
Indication on roundabouts, driving to conditions, politeness, keep left, being prepared for the unexpected.
May 6, 5:06pm
Well said, training at school.
May 6, 5:07pm
Yep and all the info and training should be imprinted into their skulls while at school years before they hit the roads.
May 6, 5:09pm
I'm sorry pollymay, but i completely dissagree with your point of view. You should ALWAYS approach a blind corner with a view to having to stop. What if it had been a person running around disoreintated for whatever reason! NONE of the others there were in danger of causing an accident, only the people going to fast for the conditions.
If this was your point then my apologies for misinterpreting.
May 6, 5:11pm
Why do you disagree nztools
May 6, 5:13pm
Another good statement, plus it motivates student and force them more to learn doing it at school. Just like in the states.
May 6, 5:15pm
You are right, you have to be prepared. Which is also required by law, you must be able to stop in half the distance of clear road.
May 6, 5:23pm
Exactly offroad,you got the tourists in crap in the layby vans ,doing 65 k on the open road ,oblivous to traffic building up behind,crossing the centre line every corner,but they safe though cos they drive f-kg slow.And then the kiwis that drive under speed limit till ya go to pass em,then the slipper goes down.!
May 6, 5:23pm
Most of us here would have begun learning our driving skills from a VERY young age. I'd say 5-6 yrs old. We all had push bikes, go-carts, mini bikes etc & very quickly learnt the relationship & feel between your wrist & acceleration or your foot & stopping. Who as a youngster didnt spend their time doing skids on your bike & feelingthe pain when it all went horribly wrong. I believe thats the problem, the physical connection & balancebetween the brain & the car/vehicle/machinery. Has to start at an earlier age.
May 6, 5:37pm
I d agree with you on that one.For the amount of miles i do very few.[ of course i get some as most rivers do ]
May 6, 6:23pm
That would be bullshit mate.
May 6, 6:44pm
OPPS Thats drivers.stuffed d key .lol .A ps here one of the things that really get to me on my job is the amount of Drivers that when you signal to turn [ particularly right ] think you are signaling for them to pass .WE ARE NOT we are actually turning.quite a few accidents happen because of this
May 6, 6:48pm
Id like to disagree with you on the speeds between Oamaru and CHCH. Last time I was up there it was more like 120kph. I normally wouldnt care but i was in a borrowed ute that barley did 110 full out so it was a scary thing being passed by all manner of vehicles in heavy rain. And they keep saying fonterra tankers are governed to 90kph, yea right, not that day. And years back it was more like 140kph on the straights. And you wonder why theres so many issues on the road when people cant even comprehend and obey very basic laws of the road. I used to drive 875km a day and sometimes 1000km between Edendale and Timaru from 1am till about 11.30am and man did I see some sights. simple fact is you have to be ready for anything anytime any place because humans are just plain stupid at times as well as the unexpected that happens.
May 6, 6:50pm
Care to back that up with something solid!
yah dont see milk tankers holding much traffic up on those long straights, and they are limited to 90 kph. Sure, you get the odd clown, but it would take a damn brisk drive to average 100 kph over that distance.
May 6, 7:57pm
john and others need to re read there road code on a road with lane markings you must be able to stop distance in front of you on unlined roads its 1/2 the distance. the reason for this is on a unlined road the vehicles maybe 1/4 or 1/3 over the center each can then stop before a head on. on a lane marked road you only need to stop before anything in your lane. good work pollymolly you were driving to the rules and conditions and it shows as you avoided the clown parade in front of you
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