Scrapping a car in hamilton.

btb2, May 6, 4:35pm
hey all what is the best way to go about scrapping a car in hamilton! have removed the computer. the engine let out its smoke when it got stolen and windows are smashed. so its better off scrap than parts.
what is the best way to go about scrapping it! and whos paying good atm!


jason18, May 6, 4:36pm
1 dollar reserve on trademe

intrade, May 6, 4:40pm
can you bring it to metal recycler.! they pay from 50 to 250$ for scrap metal. otherwise they take scrap away for free usually only. also did you derego the cars plates! if not then it could be fixed again by somone with loads of time .

btb2, Jan 20, 7:06am
yeah its loaded on a trailer now.its had the two good doors taken off. the remaining window taken ot. the computer has been sold. tyres were all screwed. and was driven on rims for a wee while.the interior is a wee bit wet after the wind and rain we had in hamilton. and te car is going to be deregd today would have repaired myself but the A pillar was bent when the person who stole at tried to wrap it around a trolley parking bay at the super market in his drunken state,

the car is a 1989 toyota vista (corolla).