Car tint question

lisamaree, Apr 29, 3:11pm
I have a question about standard practice for car tinting - I bought a deal on TreatMe ($140 for car window tinting) and had this done yesterday. A comment was made about it being 'darkest legal tint available',
Upon seeing the car after it was done, my partner was suprised only the side windows and rear windscreen were tinted but the front windscreen untouched.

I know this shade of tinting would be too dark for the windscreen - but can anyone tell me if the front windscreen would also be tinted in a whole-car tint!
I can't see any fine print relating to the windscreen being excluded.

lisamaree, Apr 29, 3:14pm
This is the link to the voucher:

ofive, Apr 29, 3:34pm
Front screen does not get tinted.

smac, Apr 29, 3:43pm
Front tint is not allowed, which does make their advertisement rather misleading. They talk about reducing the glare from oncoming they do that without tinting the front would make for an interesting question to them.

The thing is, by complaining what can you achieve! You won't get the front tinted, and they're not going to refund you from an already heavily discounted price.

lisamaree, Apr 29, 3:48pm
Hi thanks for the replies.
I really did not know that it was illegal to tint the windscreen, as I have seen many cars that appear to have a darker windscreen.

I didn't intend to return and complain, just wanted opinions from those who know a lot more than me! I agree it was a good price although perhaps they could have pointed out on the voucher that windscreens were excluded.

kcf, Apr 29, 4:59pm
If so, then that will be tint *in* the glass, rather than a tint film applied to the glass.

jason18, Apr 29, 5:22pm
Hi, I also looked into this deal and under the questions and answers they said it didnt include the front screen but I thought it would be common knowledge that you cant tint the front.

jason18, Apr 29, 5:23pm
And the reduced glare from sun and headlight probably means from side view.

r15, Apr 29, 6:40pm
the front screen will generally appear dark on a tinted vehicle due to there being less light inside the vehicle, because of the tinted windows around the rest of it.most notable would be if you look into the front screen of for example a ute that has dark tint around the rest of it

lisamaree, Apr 29, 7:50pm
I'm no expert, but it seems to be a good job. I can see only one air bubble in the passenger window and they said these would disappear over the next two days. It was done at Car Folie, Takapuna.

hamishcookie, Dec 26, 9:40am
I had a copper pull me up in my rolla 1 night that had 35% on the front but 20% on the rear, he asked why the back was darker and I said it was because the rear window was tinted so less light in the back so it just looked darker and he brought it. few months later got asked again, said the same thing and the copper shone his torch though it and called my bluff and told me he wasn't born yesterday but he didn't ticket me for it.