Slave cylinder resleave in auckland

willystruck65, Apr 29, 2:27am
where can i get my slave cylinder resleaved in auckland!

xs1100, Apr 29, 2:39am
try appco on the shorenot the parts shop.but beside the bus depot on diana drive up the drive there right on the corner,they used to rebuild all the brake m/cylinders,c/master cylinders that sort of thing

willystruck65, Apr 29, 2:57am
yeah its for a hilux v6 conversion you need it down sized to 11/16th

ladatrouble, Apr 29, 3:40am
Just Brakes in Onehunga.

sr2, Dec 24, 4:07pm
They haven't been called Appco for over a decade! The name of the firm is Transport Hydraulics, great bunch of guys to deal with.