where is the best place to go for one of theese in hamilton! how much should i be expecting to pay. have a parts master card. will a service kit be of any use. the veihichle it is for is a 1985 toyota hilux flat deck 2 litre.
replaced rear wheel cyinders as one was leaking. bled the break system and came up sweet and then it just lost pressure 2 the rear brakes. have tried indavidually bleeding from the master cylinder and there was pressure from the front one and the rear the break fluid dribbled out.
just ordered a new master for corolla diesel 85$+ from partsmaster ask for trade price anyone gets trade who asks at partsmaster.
Mar 6, 12:25am
biker that sounds like exactly what has happened. could feel it slowly giving way more and more with each pump.
Mar 6, 12:29am
Good one biker i was thinkin i should write about whole strokewen bleeding ,chops out master seals
Mar 6, 12:32am
You wont know if a service kit is any use untill you strip it down and look at the condition of the bore. personally id just throw another master cylinder at it.
Mar 6, 12:38am
its looking like a new one is in order. is the safer way to go i am starting to think. cheers for your help guys
Mar 6, 3:49am
Lack of pressure to the rear and only a dribble of fluid out of the bleeders make me think that it may have a crook proportioning valve.
Mar 6, 6:30pm
In master cylinder there usually 2 seals on one piston shaft 1 seal for front brake line one sealfor rear brake line, just one full pedal pump during bleeding can run either or both seals past a small chunk of rust in the cylinder, ps yr profile looks like u shld no about brakes! ! I do brakes ,need a help! be small charge.
Mar 7, 12:03am
Any master cylinder corrosion is a major safety issue on a car. The only solution is to replace or re-sleeve, there is no acceptable compromise with brake safety.
Jun 25, 10:41pm
the cylinders were grooved and had shredded the seals on the piston. so replaced it with a new one i had sitting around for the race car.thanks for your help guys.
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