$200 ticket for incorrect display of rego?

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geedubu, Apr 26, 9:22pm
Just to round off my ancient posting in this old thread; I was hit with a ticket on September 3, 2010; wrote a note a couple of days later, and received a reply from traffic police today, April 26, 2011 advising me that the infringement fee would be waived!I'm not complaining, because it was a result, but 7 months from my explanatory note to the reply!

elect70, Apr 26, 10:21pm
Even betterrapingpau fisheries- convicted & had to pay court costs only ( coastwatch last nite)Its an inverse scale the worsethe crime the lesser the penalty

ct9a, Apr 26, 10:39pm
why are some of the above messages coming up with
"This message was deleted by a moderator"

pollymay, Apr 26, 10:49pm
Wow seriously!

Our system is so hopeless, UK laws here we come!

gofer0007, Apr 26, 10:54pm
My son's blew out of hissoft top Escudo while hooning on the beach at Muriwai and he didnt notice.Got a ticket in the city while parked so I wrote a letter to the guys explained what must have happened and that he worked night shift that week and properly didnt notice it and they let him off with a warning.Great work guys thanks so much.
Also i get rego plates made over seas and shipped here that are perspex and been through a number of WOFS where they didnt even notice!

johnf_456, Apr 26, 10:56pm
number plates are a police issue not a wof issue.

mel_nz26, Apr 27, 2:07am
I had a moron parking wally try this on in Hamilton, the day was rainy as and the inside of the car was fogged,(we were all wet in the car) so the glass infront of the rego sticker was obscured with fog, the biach gave me a ticket for the same thing, drove straight round to the Hamilton Council offices literally dragged out a staff member and pointed WTF. The ticket was cancelled, but I mean WTF.

robbo36, Apr 27, 3:35am
We must have got the same parking nazi (operator 050) last Monday. Parked down Gratham St while at the Museum. Came out and got a $200 fine for "failing to display a current vehicle inspection certificate", WTF does that mean. Went around to the Hamilton council offices to "enquire" and found out the WOF is not current. The WOF was current except the issuing station (VTNZ) had forgotten to punch out the month. If operator 050 bothered to look through the drivers window you could plainly read the WOF expiry date. Was told by council to take a form and provide written evidence that the vehicle had a current WOF and post back for the council to consider. Went to VTNZ who issued a replacement WOF label and will send through a letter explaining situation, then I can post to council. GRRRRR! Bloody waste of an hour and a half of my life so far, for what value!
Then, on the wife's car, i went to put the new rego label in the holder and the holder fell to bits, removed holder from screen and asked the wife to get another one while in town. I stuck the new rego label temporarily to the screen with blue tack. Wife got home a while later fuming as she received an infringement notice from another parking warden for "failing to display a vehicle registration correctly". The notice read if this vehicle is found to have the same infringement within a 12 month period then a fine of $200 will be issued. FFS, the rego was clearly visible and on display. I am now currently drafting a letter to the council and local rag to ask why are the parking wardens so pedantic and what about actually helping people and being proactive. Rant over.

jkm, Sep 17, 12:26am
Hey, my son got a ticket from parking warden for no rego/incorrect rego ticket. The thing is the car is registered its just that the registration ticket was partially obscured. Anyway to contest this as $200 is very steep for such a minor technical issue!

morrisman1, Sep 17, 12:29am
you do realise that parking wardens have no soul!

turton, Sep 17, 12:32am
yes, it is tough. you get less for a speeding ticket

bitsy_boffin, Sep 17, 12:33am
Yes, go to the council with the ticket and explain, PROBABLY they will let you off.But note that the offense is, like it or not, "failure to display" not "failure to have".

skyline_guy_r34, Sep 17, 12:34am
Same thing happens with us guys with motorbikes. They are too stupid to realise that rego and warrant are behind the number plate so they write out a fine.

A simple letter to the council proving you have rego will void the ticket.

lookoutas, Sep 17, 12:34am
Have you got a photo of it partially obscured!
Write in and send the pic.

I've just done my car On-Line 2 days ago. It expired yesterday, and if the ticket doesn't turn up Friday, that'll take up the weekend when I'll be away in that car.
I'll be a bit pissed if that happens to me over that period.
Have got the payment printout, which I intend carting along.

petemun, Sep 17, 1:02am
I thought they have cameras with them now so people cant contest the fines !

plponies, Sep 17, 1:04am
Sorry I deleted that post (self incrimanation) but, Yes we do that often when we know what we going to be doing but this job changes freq. and often machines movments alter especially around town or if you are doing 5-6 machines a day it can be very hard to work out thehub reading buy the last machine so the supplementary could be out buy alot. The only way for us to avoid it would be a fax in the truck but the cost is prohibitive. We sometimes go to shops to get the fax sent through but we have 13 hrs to get 15 hrs work done so theres no sitting around waiting for faxs.

socram, Sep 17, 1:09am
Its about time the penalties stacked up with the gravity of the offence.$200 for that one, $500 for using Euro plates instead of NZ manufactured.

All technical offences should carry a much lesser penalty than the lowest penalty that incurs any potential or actual danger to life, other than the avoidance of the various compulsory fees.

To cop a $200 fine for "incorrect display" is just pathetic when others get home detention for killing someone or get their fines wiped out once they get too high.

#8 sums it up pretty well I think!

lookoutas, Sep 17, 1:13am
Trouble is, I haven't go a front bumper on it, so they might have the last laugh.
Been trying get get one off a cuzzin Raji in Auckland, but he can't be bothered bundling it up and freighting it, coz it's too big.
Before you tell me to tell him to G.F'd - the price is real good.

And cheers for that 7 day info.

lookoutas, Sep 17, 2:28am
The way the weathers looking, I'll probably prefer to take the Subaru instead of a wallowing SUV - so problem resolved. Other than, mother won't have any wheels that she can use while I'm away. She don't like the big long/wide manual truck with too many peddles.
If I got pulled up I'd just tell them they need a "biker 69" to sort them out. Not too sure which order that should be in.

moosie_21, Sep 17, 3:58am
Take it into the council ASAP and explain. Had exact same situation a few years back. Took 3 months for them to void the ticket, but it did happen, with no expense to me.

mk3zephyr, Sep 17, 4:12am
had the same thing happen in New Plymouth,label had been put in back to front unbeknown to me, went into the council to explain and Diane said i was a liar, then saw my partner and son in the car and then retracted it, when i asked her why she said i was a liar she got all shitty and threw the ticket at me and stormed off, needless to say we have to pay the fine. I have actually seen one of the parking wardens "camped" in an unseen corner outside winz and when someone pulls into a park and goes and gets there parking fee ticket and goes about their business this little crab like fella scuttles out of his hidey hole and checks for no regos on cars, seems he patrols just that area, typical New Plymouth city council

gbbrot, Sep 17, 4:24am
Quite right. However, you have it back to front. Penalties for offenses endangering human life should be greater than those that are administrative. Person that murders another on the roads should be charged with murder.

movnon, Sep 17, 6:23am
Must be parking wardens latest sport. I got pinged $200 the other day for failing to display current rego. I had checked the label a couple of days previously but had slipped it back in behind the last (not current) label. Rego was due in a few days that is why I had checked.Humble explanation letter(that goes against grain, but so does parting with $200 to the parasites)& photocopy of both labels to council resulted in waiver.

pnh4, Sep 17, 7:23am
Left front frame near the steering head is a very common place.

lovemore_mbigi, Sep 17, 1:43pm
Go to your council offices and ask for the forgive-me-great-lord form. Fill it in appropriately and when their tame JP comes in next Monday to pass judgement on such weighty matters of jurisprudence, with a bit of luck you'll have the ticket binned.