If you are worried about fuel costs buy a small Japanese fuel miser. Cowboy is right it's smiles per miles you have with a V8. I should know as I have four I use on the road, they all vary on mpg and who cares, I don't.
Apr 25, 4:44pm
no way,i only fill the falc up wen im goin on a decent trip away.certainly not every time it goes to the gas station. on a decent trip you jus cant beat the comfort and power and effortless cruising that av8 car offers,they jus eat the miles. well thats my opinion anyway.
Apr 25, 4:55pm
Irun three cars. Mazda familiar is cheapest car to run Ive ever owned. Falcon is about average,and my project car is perhaps the hungriest car on theplanet. Strange that I dont care muchfor the mazda, think the Falcon is just ok but love the fuel scoffer.
Apr 25, 4:59pm
ahhh the numpties strike again.if somebody asks a question, either answer it.or don't.what's to be achieved by the "why ask!" bollcoks.! This guy could have 50 different reasons for wanting to know.
Apr 25, 4:59pm
id take the car. atleast the car doesnt break down for monthly repairs. would probably cost less in the long run too
Dec 11, 9:48am
My blown 454 T bucket got 13mpg on a trip. Had 3.0 gears out back and a pair of 750 edelbrocks on it. With 4.56 gears it was a total pig, as in under 5mpg.
And I drove a 289 Mustang recently with 2 barrel Holley and got a bit under 20mpg on a long trip
A wel tuned, carbed 4bbl V8 can be surprisingly economical, but most seem to be in the 15-22mpg region. EFI V8s I have owned have seen 26-27mpgs, and I drove a LS1 with a Harrops supercharger and cruising at 120+ kmh that thing was under 9 litres per 100 kms which I think is over 30mpg.
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