hi im running 205 /50 / 15's on the front and 205 /55/ 15's on the back the guy at the tyre shop reackons that the profiles have to be the same is this correct!
Apr 21, 8:49pm
Someone told me that if the car is 2002 or newer, all 4 tyres have to be the same size. Don't know if it's true or not though.
Apr 21, 9:39pm
It is true that after oct 2002 tyres must be of the same size and construction load rating etc but I believe it is only on the same axle. Correct me if Im wrong! How would a car that comes out from factory with different sizes from front to rear get on!
Apr 21, 11:38pm
lol, what a load of crap.
OP, the tyre guy was trying to make you buy another set. Let me guess, was he from Tony's!
Apr 22, 12:38am
what tyre place is this!
Apr 22, 2:30am
they changed it a few years ago so that all 4 tyres had to be same construction etc Then they changed it to ONLY the tyres on the SAME AXLE (eg front or rear) had to be of same size, construction, load rating within two points etc there are differences for snow tyres though
Apr 22, 2:37am
what year is the car its no bulls its true and another rule for 1985 car apply you can mix and match as you want on that car. rule change is 1991 or so if i recall right. where each axle must have same dimensions befor you can do as per above. the country is full of idiotic rules that make less then 0 sense.
Apr 24, 7:09am
Tyre size: Front 235/35 ZR19 , Rear 295/30 ZR19 .standard on lambo,no problems getting W.O.F.
Apr 24, 1:44pm
Only issue would be if the car is 4WD. If you have different tyre diameters front and rear it causes the centre diff or coupling to be working constantly, which they don't like.
Apr 24, 5:59pm
the guys here will not give a wof if you have say 215 45 17 on front and 235 45 17s on back the profile doesnt matter.but thats just here
Apr 24, 6:03pm
WOF standards for tyres out of virm state that the tyres on the same axil must be the same unless they are snow tyres then all 4 need to b the same checkhttp://www.nzta.govt.nz/r- esources/virm-in-service-certi- fication/docs/gen-10-tyres-whe- el-hubs-v4a2.pdf this is what inspectors use as wof reference
Apr 24, 7:08pm
I have a FWD which got a WoF about 1 month ago. Different size tyres front and back. A lot of RWD have different size tyres front and back. But as previously mentioned, it really only matters to have the same size/profile with 4WD.
Dec 7, 9:08pm
we had the same issue.as long as the axel has matching on both sides it is ok.they frown on higher profile on front than the back but is still legal.different garages may have diffrent views of corse.
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