They have just started selling this in Hamilton. Im guessing probably no good for standard cars or say the valiant!
Apr 23, 2:46pm
probably for track and race cars, what was the Force 10 mixture! 10% enthanol!
Apr 23, 2:47pm
yeah had 10% ethanol in that one.
Apr 23, 2:51pm
haha Im not to gain to try it on an old engine!
Apr 23, 2:51pm
Gull force E85 or pro its called. 10% ethanol vs 85% ethanol
Apr 23, 2:55pm
ive used Force 10 in my avenir 4WD. i got about 800kms on a tank as opposed to 700ish on 95/98. i wonder if normal everyday cars can use the new stuff! id be keen to try it
Apr 23, 2:56pm
Is the energy required to actually grow the sugar and distill the biofuel , really beneficial to a carbon footprint!
Apr 23, 3:18pm
How much was is Jason! I don??
Apr 23, 3:23pm
Just saw that. They can't, don't.
Apr 23, 3:30pm
The latest V8 commodores can use it, however there are not many cars that can at the moment. Most would lean out too much in a "normal" car.
it seems every car is different. also remember shell is now sold i think to the maoris so the fuel myght be different to what shell used to sell but my old toyota hated the shell fuel. it would pink cough and spit on 91 shell like hell but no problem on the likes of bp just less power then on 96 bp or any other fuel.
Apr 23, 3:53pm
I've heard that the Gull E85 is rather inconsistent. Know someone who used to get 205L drums of it and the label said something along the lines of it being anywhere between E60 and E85. It's pretty cheap though, $2.24 per litre last I heard, but you've gotta keep in mind it requires roughly 20-30ish% more consumption than regular gasoline. I wouldn't mind picking up some 1000cc injectors and doing a high boost E85 tune on the Mirage, just worried about the inconsistency of it. Only other place i've found that does E85 race fuel is around $2.60 per litre but gotta buy it by the drum.
Apr 23, 4:14pm
I wouldn't use it in the Valiant. The motor I'm sure would be ok, but the fuel is quite corrosive. It would love to eat the steel fuel tank, and steel fuel lines. Also your fuel connection hoses are probably not acohol resistant and the fuel pump diaphram probably wouldn't like it also. I think you will find the fuel use will go up slightly as well negating the savings per litre to purchase.
Apr 23, 4:18pm
Worth remembering another two salient points,
1. High ethanol fuels can damage fuel lines and seals not designed for it. 2. It's hygroscopic, that is, the alcohol will bind with any water introduced to it, in fact this is the common way of testing if a sample contains ethanol, add some water, shake and let settle, if the water increases you know it's ethanol because that alcohol just bound to the water.
Apr 23, 4:26pm
Steer well clear - especially with an older car.Stick with the fuel the engine was designed to use.
Apr 23, 4:55pm
i reada motoring magaizine from aussie a while back that said the aussie mix of this type of fuelcan leave a varnish type residue in fuel lines and older type fuel pumps and the new high pressure injected european cars were having issues with it in the fuel injection systems. dosent leave much that it will work in i thought
Apr 23, 5:16pm
infratil brought shells distribution rights
Apr 23, 5:58pm
To those who dont know you CAN NOT just put it in any car! its much different to force10, it requires a retune of the ECU, often larger injectors, its a race fuel not a road car fuel and im pretty sure you are not allowed to use it on the road!!
Apr 23, 6:05pm
You are allowed to use it on the road.
Whether it'll work with your car is another matter.
Apr 23, 6:17pm
Fonterra manufactures it by fermenting lactose which is sugar extracted from whey. Not really a by product just using every part of milks properties.
Apr 24, 12:18am
Ok cheers guys. Heard my mate raving how he was gonna do a retune on ecu etc with his evo and run it and thought about the valiant. will stick to my 95 haha
Apr 24, 4:24pm
depends how old i guess. Pretty sure mine was designed to run on watered down kero
Apr 24, 5:22pm
All commodores from VK onwards can use it without damage, but not take full advantage of it. Apparently they export commodores to brazil, where they have been using ethanol based fuels for 25+ years.
I believe the stuff you are talking about is the same as mobil synergy 8000 (98 octane), which they have been selling in central wellington for a couple years now. When I was doing my weekly wellington-NP runs in my VS commodore I found it delivered about the same l/100km as just regular 91. The best fuel (as far as l/100km consumption), I found, was shell 95.
Apr 24, 6:08pm
71 it was born
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