is it worth repairingfull strip,,crank grind ,bearings, clean out, or getting a s/h engine1993 car fwd whos got one! or short block as thehead looks nice and clean, cams good too
Apr 22, 2:13am
could be worth it if you DIY but I wouldnt be paying anyone to do it for me. Is it a standard sr20de or one of those higher power ones in the euro version!
Apr 22, 2:15am
if it is the engine i got in minde then it wont be worth as you get another secoundhand one for about 400$ as seen on trademe.
Apr 22, 8:50am
ITS JUST THE STD ONE HIGHPORT [EARLY ONE] i have 3 mint std pistons on rods,flat top ones from a gt red top one, and today got a mint crankshaft from here just need a block now, mine will be stuffed drained sump and lots of metal fell out!
Apr 22, 9:01am
Just buy another SR20DE, unless you are doing the work yourself, then it might equal out, until a couple months ago, I had enough parts to build a mint DE, with all parts from a SR20DET motor. Oh and no offence, but your auction for "Free flow Headers" uhh they're just stock and won't give any power gains, just letting you know.
Apr 22, 9:22am
they were on a uk red top engine ive got custom ones made to use nice and long flowing ones bugger about your parts, prob work out too much in freight from where you are to me in chch
Dec 6, 6:16am
anyone got one suit rebuild!
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