Stupid question, but here ya go. can I work out an estimate on how much fuel I would consume over a trip! I would like to work out how much it costs me everytime I make the trip but not sure how to go about it!
Apr 22, 1:24am
Fill up the car to the brim, take your trip then fill again. This time make note of how many L it takes to fill so say it takes 45L. Then take your km traveled say 600km / 45 L = 13.3 Km per L and if you want L per 100km.
Do 100km / XXkm per litre = x L per hundred km.
Apr 22, 1:24am
fill up before you leave, fill up when you get back or assume approx 10lt per 100km, some vehicles get less some more but 10 is a good av
Apr 22, 2:25am
liter are mesured per 100km distance or pommy do mpg normally a car these days uses 8liter or less petrol for 100km on a 2.0 liter engine. the lowest fuelconsumption of 1990s models are on diesel like fiat ford fiesta escort they do 60mpg or 5 to 6 liter max per 100km distance a car using over 10 liter is not considered economical as that is getting in to 6 cilinder and v8 terretory rover 1973 v8 uses 13 to 17 liter per 100km record holder is volkswagen lupo 1.2 liter turbo diesel with 2.99 liter for 100km built only round 2000 onwards.
Nov 27, 7:08pm
the formula is easy you fill to the top drive what ever km then fill at same pump again and then you write down the liter it took to refill and the km your odometer shows.lets say 45 liter for 500km on odometer. 45 divided by 500= 0.09 times 100= 9 liter for 100km as 0.09 is for 1km car manufacturer use this formula in europe to show economy figures.
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