At what PSI would a standard tyre explode?

crzyhrse, Apr 19, 8:40pm
Static pressure to burst a tyre in good condition! A lot. A lot more than the maximum inflation pressure of the tyre. If I was to hazard a guess, I'd say in the region of 35 Bar (over 500 PSI).

hamishcookie, Apr 19, 9:19pm
I was getting some eagers fitted many moons ago that they had to take up near 100psi to get 1 of them to bead even after using some super slippry stuff they had, the guys come back to me and said look we can't get it to bead, we can try some more pressure but its on you if it explodes, I wanted it on the rim so I said yeah, they threw it in the truck cage and used the truck air line, made an almighty bang when it beaded.

kcf, Apr 19, 9:29pm
67.431 psi @ 22 degrees centigrade, on a day with a full moon in it.

elect70, Apr 19, 9:35pm
A guy was killed while arc welding a tractor wheel with tyre on & it exploded, . So not something youd want to try to find out

wrong2, Apr 20, 12:01am
artillery rims have exploded apart with an apprentice standing on top on them at one of the first places i worked at

he got boosted 12 ft up into the ceiling beam. killed instantly

tortron, Apr 20, 12:27am
its on youtube

pieman33h, Apr 20, 1:32am
depends on how much smoke is comin off them at the time i find.

richardmayes, Apr 20, 2:06am
One miiiiiiiillllllllliion PSI

design4fun4u, Apr 20, 4:16am
Try Mythbusters

evotime, Apr 20, 4:26am
I don't know the answer to your question but while I was looking for videos I came accross this piece of bad luck!

ml6989, Apr 20, 5:28am
That sounds close, but only at low tide.

sw20, Apr 20, 6:38am
Over 9000.

richms, Apr 20, 6:51am
I know someone who put over 70 psiinto their standard tires and was driving on them. They then complained it only went to 70 and it said it needed 200 and something. Stupid garage with an old gauge with only pounds on it.

pollymay, Nov 22, 5:19am
Happens a bit. Guy my dad sold a tyre killed himself and OSH tried to nab him. He went to 100psi or so to seat the ford rim knurled bead, my dad told the guy not to do that and well he killed himself doing it. Anyway OSH went nuts saying there should be more warnings and this was gunna be on my dad blah blah so my dad took them to a tyre he sells and pointed to the big DO NOT INFLATE OVER 40PSI that is on all his tyres. They dropped it after that.

Lesson in that is read the instructions and don't be dumb.