Car that was in basement of liquefaction Chch EQ

simpco, Apr 17, 2:41am
My daughters little car a Mitsibishi Mirage (can find out what model) was in the basement of our apartment, shes studying in Welly and wanted it stored for 6 months, we figured what could happen in 6 mths and didnt insure it.alot can happen it seems. Our basement filled with liquefaction/water and came into the car, it was a week before we could organise a 4wd, and tow it out. Long story short, its all washed out and is driveable but the airbag light is on. Just making a query about where we would go to see if its the actual airbags or might just be the light on! Appreciate any thoughts.

bigracket, Apr 17, 2:42am
Auto sparky is your best bet. Take your visa lol

phillip.weston, Apr 17, 2:46am
it's probably a water damaged sensor in the seats. Get the air computer trouble codes scanned to see what fault is being logged.

pandai, Apr 17, 3:05am
How much water was there!My father's car was stuck in a basement for a while, water to the top of the doors, it's completely wrecked.I'd agree with above, a damaged sensor.Start with an auto sparky though, get it diagnosed.

simpco, Apr 17, 3:10am
So if its water damaged sensors how much are we looking at! Just wondering if its going to be a write off. The car is only worth about 4,000, the lovely teenage daughter has managed to put many dents in it, lol. It wasnt in too much water, just got in the door and son got his feet wet driving it out so maybe 2-3 inches on the floor.

phillip.weston, Apr 17, 3:13am
generally the expensive stuff are the air bags themselves, the clock spring in the steering column/wheel, whereas things like the air bag computer, seat sensors etc should be relatively cheap 2nd hand.

zephyrheaven, Apr 17, 3:36am
As Phil has said = probably just occupancy sensors for now, I would take it to a good garage & have it looked at (hmmm, where is one!)

ralphdog1, Apr 17, 3:59am
Try Neil Stuart Automotive, he knows what he is doing.

simpco, Apr 17, 5:47am
Thanks for that, fingers crossed its nothing major was a good little first car and shes just a poor uni student.

elect70, Apr 17, 5:39pm
Could be the connections under the seats for the seat belt tensionershappened on a renault i had . But as said needplace with thegear to diagnose it &fix .

cpnnz, Apr 18, 3:21am
If the car was insured and had water inside it would be written off. It would need to be re-certified and repairs overseen by an engineer, then re-registered. I would not want my daughter driving a water damaged car.

pandai, Apr 18, 3:25am
Wrecker mentioned to me that floodwater touching the brake discs was enough to warrant a write-off.

carstauranga001, Apr 18, 3:42am
Best not drive through a puddle then.

morrisman1, Apr 18, 3:59am
As far as Ive heard they write them off because they can just turn into a complete maze of electrical problems occuring one at a time so to protect future buyers its easier just to write it off. Im sure that the structure of the car hasnt been compromised but it could turn into an electrical nightmare depending on how complex it is.

It would also be wise to give it a transmission/gearbox oil change as water may have got in through the breather which wont do it any good.

treachug, Apr 18, 4:06am
Just pay to be careful - this liquefaction crap that we have been dealt with is quite acidic/corrosive. We rang a company recently to find out where they were now based etc as they got hit hard with liquefaction. They have found that even after cleaning down their machinery etc, the metal surfaces still corrode up & need regular cleaning. Have even heard of garden spades used to clear up the crap, keep having the surface rusting on the bare metal area of the tool. Might not be good for wiring - it may end up just like being exposed to salt water.

unclejake, Apr 18, 4:19am
Simpco: It could be that you bumped an electrical connection off under the seat when cleaning the car.

fordcrzy, Apr 18, 4:23am
id be looking at the plugs under the seats too. also pull up the carpets in the front wellsand take off the kick panel covers and check for computors , may be an ABS/airbag computor under the carpet.

dmoney73, Apr 18, 4:29am
Battery had'nt gone flat sitting around by any chance had it !

simpco, Nov 15, 4:51am
Battery was flat so it was jumpstarted and then went ok, and we drove it to a friend that did a proper detailing clean of it. It wasnt insured because it was off the road for 6 mths, so we took a risk.and lost :(