Ef fairmont missing

laneyjan, Apr 15, 1:54am
sons fairmont is missing.worse on front cylinders,,plugs look too lean.,had LPG now out but not totally back to standard.worse in wet weather.or really hot weather.plugs near new .what about coil or some sensor!
dont think it is plugs themselves.any ideas! Melissa knows a lot are you there!

unbeatabull, Apr 15, 2:05am
Check the HT Leads, quite often they start arcing, if the plugs have been in there a while you can see this by small hairline size crack in the plugs.

dr_blueoval, Apr 15, 5:04am
4.0L!The two things I would check first is the HT lead resistance and general condition, and for a collapsed/leaking intake manifold gasket where it attaches to the head, very common problems.I can explain how to check both these things if you have an electricalmultimeter and a short length of garden hose, the electrical lead check is a little different to most cars and tricky to do unless you know how the EF's I6 ignition system works.Coil failure is possible but unlikely.Also has it been run for long periods of time on LPG and not petrol! That can cause problems of its own.

laneyjan, Apr 15, 3:56pm
thanks very much guys.nice to hear from you Dr Blue Oval you have been quiet for ages

hamishcookie, Apr 15, 5:01pm
Mine has been doing the same and I thought it must have been the coil pack, but thats not common Dr-blue oval! Mine only does it after Ive been driving for awhile and it feels like it drops a couple of cylinders for a second then clears itself. Mine has new leads, starts fine every time and can go for ages without it doing it at all. Not really been out in the wet in it since I first noticed it though.

crzyhrse, Nov 3, 5:56pm
Cam angle sensor.

Do the KOEO test by jumpering together the two far left pins (the far left one in the top row to the far left one in the bottom row) in the big white connector in the fuse panel located by the drivers right knee and putting an LED test light on the second pin from the left in the second bunch of pins of the top row (the pins to the right of the first divider) and turn the ignition on and read the codes. Or just have an autoelectrician do it for you.