I have all Goodyears on my Nissan, but want to start changing to Michelin.Better longer lasting tyres I reckon.Trouble is I only have one tyre that needs changing at the front.
I know I wouldn't pass a warrant if I have different tyres on the front axle.but I don't need a warrant for quite a while.Is there any safety problems if I put a michelin on for 4 or 5 months!
Apr 15, 1:25am
As long as they have same tyre profile/rolling diamter and width and load rating there shouldn't be any issues
Apr 15, 1:33am
Do you mean if the size is the same and stuff.My tyres are 185/65 R14.What is do you mean by profile!Is that whether it is a round shaped or square shaped tyre!
Apr 15, 1:35am
As long as you get another 185/65 R14 tyre to match with the same load rating (will be a number after the 185/65 bit eg 90w etc)
Apr 15, 1:38am
Hey, thanks for the info.It makes me wonder why you can't get a warrant then with different brands on the same axle, as long as all other things are equal, like you say.any ideas!
Apr 15, 1:41am
Could it be a case of them playing a % game and realising it might be unlikely most motorists would be careful enough to get the same tyre profiles and other specifications if they were allowed different brands!Another law for the masses.!!
Apr 15, 1:43am
the law is different it destingishes from older to new cars on a 1988 you can mix and match and on 2002 car your not allowed to mix anything. if the 88 car is now save because the law says so . you probably could toss a coin to figure it out as that is how they write laws and rulesin new zealand.
Apr 15, 1:45am
My car is 1996.does that mean I can mix and match!Anyone know the change date!
Apr 15, 1:45am
who ever said you cant get a warrant with different brands. As long as the tyres are of the same size and the load rating is within 2 points and they are of the same description i.e directional or non dirrectional.
Apr 15, 1:47am
I was told that by the guy I rang today at the Tyre shop.You'd think he'd know.He told me I wouldn't pass a warrant if I had different brands on the same axle.though he didn't think they'd be any safety issues as such.
Dent, you sound like you know the law.Can I ask what directional means!
Apr 15, 1:49am
I want to get a Michelin Energy xm1 (formerly called Energy saver) because apprently they are high performance and will last 80,000kms or more.Whereas a Goodyear for nearly the same price will only last 40,000 kms or so.And not as good.
Apr 15, 1:50am
Yeah I hope i do its what pays the bills. Dirrectional tyre is where the read points a certin way. Must be point forward. They also have the word dirrectional on the and / or a big arrow.
Apr 15, 1:52am
do you know what your goodyear tyre type is.
Apr 15, 1:52am
You mean the tread points a certain way.Hey, are you working in a testing station! Anyway, most grateful for you input.Sounds like I will be fine then to invest in a Michelin xm1.
Apr 15, 1:53am
Don't get any of those square shaped tyres, they will drastically reduce the speed of your vehicle!
Apr 15, 1:53am
you can mix on the same axle as long as the dimension are the same and thread patern is similar on a 96. but find the correct rule this is just what i recall. my merc camper is 2000 luky justbefor the rule dont allow any differnt tyres no more. i got 235. on the front and 195 on the rear passes wof 2002 or so need all 100% the same
Apr 15, 1:53am
Yes, it is Goodyear Assurance.Don't know if it is directional or not.
Apr 15, 1:56am
#16Hey great.I'll check up for sure too.These guys who work at tyre places don't seem to know much!
I'll check too to see if Goodyear Assurance is directional or non direction and would match with Michelin xm1
Apr 15, 1:59am
It is a revelation to realise that some tyres can last way longer than other tyres.Apparently there is a no. on the side of the tyre called the "treadwear".The higher the no. the longer lasting it is.
It is dependent on brand though.A Dunlop with a treadwear of 400 might not last as long as a Michelin 400.But a Dunlop 400 will last twice as long roughly as a Dunlop with treadwear of 200.
Michelin energy savers or xm1s will last 80,000kms.which is phenomenal!Well worth a few extra dollars.
Apr 15, 2:03am
Quite often though longer lasting tyres sacrifice grip and handling :)
Ive found with most cars at work Goodyears/Dunlops have been the more popular choice which get similar mileage to Michelins, but the Michelins tend to cost a lot more for little benefit
Apr 15, 2:34am
He's wrong.
Apr 15, 5:32am
you taking the piss!
Apr 15, 6:04am
Yeah I'd be skeptical of that.You might be able get that type of distance if you drive extremely gently and avoid corners but not with normal driving.
You certainly won't get twice as much as you would from comparable performance Goodyears assuming all else is equal.
Apr 15, 6:25am
The Goodyear Assurance is non directional.
And the Michelin Energy xm1 is asymmetric tyre and you wont get a wof with a goodyear one side and the michelin on the other side. Best to replace both front tyres and keep the "good" goodyear as the space tyre.
Apr 15, 4:44pm
Thanks for the advice.Possibly I'll get a similar non directional Michelin, as I already have a good spare tyre.If I can't get such a Michelin I'll get another Goodyear.
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