On my way home from work I stopped into my local petrol station. and can you believe it ---they had no petrol. 91 ( green stuff).he suggested I take 95!
What is the deal with that!A petrol station with no petrol!
Thought I was doing the right thing by supporting my local one.
Apr 12, 2:39am
So they did have petrol, and it was real petrol for cars, not crap petrol for lawnmowers. What's the problem!
Apr 12, 2:41am
Greens stuff ay.
Apr 12, 2:41am
Could be the start of a worldwide shortage, so fill up with what ever you can get.
Apr 12, 2:53am
no 91 in my car. I like it too much
Apr 12, 2:55am
lol. sorry there was no 'green stuff' there for sale either.You guys are so funny!
Apr 12, 4:45am
Was in Napier a few years ago, BP had no 91, so were selling 98 at the price of 91. You bet I filled my car up that day!
Apr 12, 4:49am
Whats the bet 98 costs them the same to produce but the rape the customer to pay for all the advertising that went with it, and the fancy fuel nozzles
Apr 12, 4:50am
I don't know why people bother with 91, my old '94 nissan avenir runs so much better on 98 and can get more k's per litre
Apr 12, 4:52am
probably does,they most likely 'water down' 98 to get 91! lol
Apr 12, 1:40pm
In most cases, if the petrol station cant afford to pay this week, they wont get any till they can.
Apr 12, 2:45pm
If the service station does not buy petrol this week,how is it supposed to make a profit to buy petrol the following week. Most of the profit is in the sales in the shop but they need to sell petrol as the carrot to get the customers into the shop.
Apr 12, 6:49pm
A friend of mine owns a small rural servo and regularly runs out when tankers are diverted to bigger stations that are running low, Pisses him right off!
Apr 12, 10:52pm
It happens occasionally, something to do with supply to Marsden point ,usually due toshipping delay or price . Down here onceonly the main stations got delivery , small provincialstations starvedfor 2 weeks . Fun & games at high level .
Apr 12, 11:59pm
Whats this 95, I've only seen 91 and 98.
Apr 13, 3:50am
All good in the hood -petrol is back on.They tell me they run out all the time -because they are soo busy!Wow must be bad for their sales and as a customer do I really want to go there now!Queue up to be told they have run out.
Apr 13, 3:53am
its a simple logistics thing by the trucking firms usually . not the serv's fault. the trucks get filled with x amount of each grade and trips are calculated so that the truck delivers the most fuel it can in one trip.no point sending a truck on wednesday and thursday if the trip can wait until thursday.
Apr 13, 3:58am
You need to get out more.
Apr 13, 5:20pm
so did you take 95!Why bleat on about it. Move on.
Apr 13, 5:39pm
I went to the Shell on Waiheke Island late last year to refill a rental car and they were out of 91 and 95 and only had Diesel left.
Last Saturday I went to a BP in Manukau Rd, Greenlane and they had no 95, only 91 and Diesel.
Oct 27, 5:50am
What's the bet it costs around the same to produce petrol and motor oil from the same crude oil but the petrol sells for $2.20/L and the oil sells for $7 - $17/L!
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