Top engine mount.

wildcat1, Apr 8, 8:28pm
failed warrant cos of a worn out top right engine mount. toyota windom they seem pretty straight forward to replace and install, is it exepnsive to get this done!

jasongroves, Apr 8, 8:33pm
Generally pretty easy to do.
You need to take the weight off the mount by slightly lifting the engine with a jack.a soft bit of wood between the 2 will help level the load and prevent damaging the sump etc.
Not sure on price of mount but Yellow Pages should be able to help you there;)

johnf_456, Apr 8, 10:18pm
Try the mount shop

jmma, Apr 9, 6:13am
Is that the name of a Brothel (o:

budgel, Apr 9, 4:06pm
No, it is a place near Tauranga.

autocars1, Apr 10, 2:46am
No simple as, talk to BNT and they will get one cheap. Easy to replace, take the weight on the bottom of the motor with a jack.use a piece of wood to spread the weight oin your sump.just take the weight.

johnf_456, Oct 16, 12:45pm