This could take over from the Fiat Multipla

biddy6, Apr 6, 2:03am

johnf_456, Apr 6, 2:06am
don't get jazz fired up again!

richardmayes, Apr 6, 2:09am

I grudgingly acknowledge that there's a certain amount of flair in the Multipla and a lot of clever functional design behind why it is the way that it is.

Now this thing here, is just a stupid fugly little car.

jezz43, Apr 6, 2:26am
looks like a nissan march thats been done up by a 17 year old boyracer

fordcrzy, Apr 6, 2:33am
imagine it with a huge NZ style white number plate on the front of it.classy

townie55, Apr 6, 2:50am
You've got to go alongway to beat the Multipla.The Kia has some issues but isn't as bad as.shhhh . I think the jazzman cometh.

thejazzpianoma, Apr 6, 3:01am
Here I am! LOL

Is it me or does the front of that thing look likes its got imprints from hours spent licking the bum of a 70's Corolla!

clark20, Apr 6, 3:31am
Oh my god, he has gotten to all of you. Invasion of the body snatchers.all over again. The Multipla is a 12 pack, get over it.

thejazzpianoma, Apr 6, 3:32am work is done.

fordcrzy, Apr 6, 3:35am

1) the 20" wheels.substitute for 17" MAX
2) the wing mirror camers
3) the headlights
4) the wiperless screen
5) the bodykit.
6) the door handles
7)the tinted windows

doesn't leave much of the original concept does it.

trouser, Apr 6, 3:59am

ceedoubleyou, Oct 6, 9:09pm
Nah, Multipla still takes the cake.