Just wanted to know what product should I use to clean the rubber and plastic parts of engine!
Mar 31, 12:52am
um why do you want to clean it and you mean like by hand! armorall is probably ok on rubber plastic
Mar 31, 1:03am
you can clean your engine bay at those drive in car wash DIY ones. im pretty sure it just squirts out normal soap but i could be wrong. if you go there it only costs $2 to do your engine bay and has a good finished result
Mar 31, 1:05am
new cars dont like water on them. like vr6 golfs have a sticker warning ! no waashing of engine electronic damage may occure. something like that. so best make sure you check first even older cars water gets in distributor and needs blowing out with compressed air after.
Mar 31, 1:13am
Yea sorry, should have structured my question better.yes I mean by hand. I usually just clean the engine with damp cloth but was wondering if there were any products that made it shine better. With amorall do you mean like the interior protectants!
Mar 31, 1:14am
Wrap your coils and air intake with a plastic bag. With the car off, give the whole thing a big spray with a good degreaser, start car, then water blast the shit out of it. Don't turn it off.take it for a drive.
Mar 31, 1:16am
yea i mean the interior exterior bumper stuff the plastics be the same on the engine as them. well thats what i be using to make parts shine.
Mar 31, 4:45pm
Spot on.
Mar 31, 4:58pm
Just a warning about tyre shines and silicon sprays. they may look good at first but will get dirtier quicker than just cleaning. As they attract dust etc and sticks to the sprays
Mar 31, 6:11pm
Thanks for the advice guys.
Mar 31, 7:25pm
certain silicons can be flammable be very careful.water based ones are the best for under bonnet
Mar 31, 8:52pm
What about the 'tyre foam'! Spray on and walk away! (said with chinese accent if you want)
Mar 31, 8:55pm
Ummmm & mmmmmm maybe you mean "clean the ENGINE COVERS"
Sep 15, 12:51pm
Worked perfectly on every car I have ever de-greased. Holdens Toyotas VWs Audis.they all get it and they all are fine. If you get water where it isn't supposed to go then give it a blast with compressed air then some crc or something. Don't overthink it, consider how wet the engine gets on a rainy day just from backsplash.
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