Engine bay for fish to squirt over?

jezz43, Mar 29, 1:52pm
i was sure i knew who you were, member of rivercity vans right! i know a few members.

rod525, Mar 29, 2:54pm
But they are just regular run of the mill falcons aren't they!

1fordluva, Mar 29, 5:46pm
Got to go with fishes wagon,its nice under her bonnet.

bigfatmat1, Mar 29, 6:18pm
whats the white stuff all over the pictures!

jezz43, Mar 30, 2:27am
i noticed the wagons in the back, the XD! or was it XF with and XD front put on it, owned by stumpy, and the van in the back owned by that couple from welly, 350 chev in it i think and has since been repainted! i know a few of the vanners from wanganui

jezz43, Mar 30, 2:55am
possibly, i never really got into the vanning thing, i was at stumpys 40th. i know most of the wanganui guys tho, doug, tony etc

bigfatmat1, Mar 30, 3:16am
I nearly wet me self

rod525, Mar 30, 1:27pm
Yeah, but they are just six cylinder regular old falcon engine bays, nothing at all special to look at.

mike77, Mar 31, 5:13am
cmon rod, anything that clean is nice to look at.
just sold my xg xr6, now to convince the missus that her new shopping basket needs to be a panel van.

74nova, Mar 31, 12:53pm
One thing I could never work out is the dickhead who designed the backwards doorhandles on the inside on those Falcons.

mike77, Mar 31, 6:05pm
Ha ha nooooicce.
Are the extra seats legal! you didn't take any pics of the seat mounting! or is just give lots of money to an engineer and a LVC!

doomy999, Sep 15, 6:18am
its' the fact they are panelvans.
They're not making any more of them. And tidy one's are getting harder and harder to find. Also where are you going to get something else so versatile that drives like a car. They have so many uses, including the ability to sleep in them amoungst other things. ;-)
Having owned several in the past, if I had the spare $ there would definitley be another in my collection of toys.