I know this isn't a 'motoring' question as such, but I was hoping someone here may be able to help.My wife hit a stump with the lawnmower and it stalled.I can't start it - it belches a cloud of black smoke and the starter cord retracts sharply.I suspect that the rotor (!) has shifted 45 deg.The reason why I think this is because I did the same thing a few months ago.The shaft key is not broken.Can anyone confirm my suspicion and offer advice on how to fix it!Thank-you.
Mar 28, 6:33pm
well check the timing .
Mar 28, 9:43pm
The flywheel will show evidence of shifting, usually by a sheared key. which you say is ok. Take the flywheel off and have a good look. what sort of motor!
Mar 28, 9:55pm
the key on the flywheel is broken and has killed the timing, or the crank shaft is warped, both are almost pointless to fix sometimes, depends on the age of the lawnmower,
Mar 29, 1:18am
Thanks for your help people.The key was broken.$20 for a small piece of crap metal seems exorbitant, but it's a lot cheaper than replacing a shaft I guess.
Mar 29, 1:20am
The flywheel was out by 180deg.I agree it wouldn't be worth repairing if it was the shaft, but the key will only cost $20 for me to buy another.
Mar 29, 1:42am
Fair enough, normally when i see a key break the flywheel has a large crack in it, or a shaft is damaged , you are very lucky :P
Mar 29, 3:52am
Dont let your wife use the lawnmower ever again.
Mar 29, 4:00am
$20 for a $3.50 key, you got ripped, what engine is it!
Mar 29, 4:12am
Unless of course it included fitting!
Mar 29, 5:56am
Mowers generally use alloy so that they DO shear off with impact. Saves buggering up the crank shaft
Mar 29, 5:58am
$20 sounds like gisborne pricing!
Mar 29, 5:41pm
It was this time.I broke it last time on a rock, lol
Sep 9, 2:20pm
It's funny you should say that. I's a Tecumseh motor.I searched the net and rang a couple of lawn mower shops.Most were charging $2 to $5.The guy that repaired it for me last said he had called into both of the local lawn mower shops and one charges $23 for the key and the one he got it from charged $20.I called in there this morning prepared to haggle.I didn't have to.They charged me. $2.Less than five mins later, I'd repaired it.Lesson learnt.
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