Time To Prepare For Oil Crisis - Dog & Lemon

kathryn154, Mar 24, 2:12am
The government needs to prepare for sudden, severe and ongoing oil shortages, says the car buyers' Dog & Lemon Guide.

All the signs point to a looming crisis, yet there's not much sign that the government is actually taking notice." says Editor Clive Matthew-Wilson


jasongroves, Mar 24, 2:14am
He is a biased idiot whos opinion on anything I would pay no attention to.
But that's just me.

franc123, Mar 24, 2:21am
Yawn.Everybody knows why oil prices are spiking, and its nothing to do with shortages of it, its a commodity like houses and gold and milk powder and a whole host of other things.Who was the "expert" they were referring to in the article, surely it wasn't CMW!Why the media treat him as some sort of industry consultant is anyones guess.

1fordluva, Mar 24, 2:26am
One word for rising fuel prices.SPECULATORS!-

thejazzpianoma, Mar 24, 2:47am
I hate to think how much money Clive Matthew-Wilson has cost people over the years.

That said sure prices are likely to keep rising noticeably over the next few years as a trend with some ups and down like we have seen with Libya etc along the way.

kathryn154, Mar 24, 2:57am
How about the International Energy Agency which our government and 20 other OECD nations rely on! . they are saying the same thing
or Lloyds of London . !
or scores of other reports here .
or that 10 of the last 11 global recessions have been preceded by oil price shocks!

socram, Mar 24, 2:57am
He is an ardent leftie. Why do you think the media use him!

I take great delight that every single modern car I have owned over the last 20 years, he has totally rubbished.Every single one of them has been reliable, economical, comfortable, rust free, had immaculate paintwork, held the road well and was great to drive.

kathryn154, Mar 24, 3:13am
"All the signs point to a looming crisis, yet there's not much sign that the government is actually taking notice.".The same could be said of the last Labour Government.Left -Right . who cares.what matters is is how prepared we are for an imminent oil crisis. personally and as a country.

socram, Mar 24, 3:25am
Oh the government took notice alright.They encouraged us to switch to diesel as it is more economical - then they simply upped the rego on all diesel vehicles.We'll be all be running on a percentage of secondhand KFC & Macca's deep fryer chip oil soon enough.

pat56, Mar 24, 4:02am
He's a complete twat. Exactly the type of moron the media chases after. Helloooooo Keith Locke, et al.

trogedon, Mar 24, 4:10am
thejazzpianoma wrote:
I hate to think how much money Clive Matthew-Wilson has cost people over the years.

Cost people money. That is a gross generalisation.

kathryn154, Mar 24, 3:06pm
thats an intelligent discussion of the issue that we face a looming oil crisis.What part of rapidly rising oil prices and its serious effect on ours and the world economy do you not understand!

intrade, Mar 24, 3:15pm
the governments are the ones helping to create the oil crisies . no one needs no oil. its only the governments who get vast amounts of tax from you using oil. so be assured the last they want is do something that slows or stops that. Ps in case you did not know LPG also has aexise tax on it in nz and in australia they are planning to add it also.

intrade, Mar 24, 3:20pm
pritty clear what is going on when you readthat. and this wont be the whole thruth but what is written there will be true with worse facts not told. Greed is what drives humans that part is missing .
# In New Zealand, automotive LPG users pay excise tax to the New Zealand Government. In Australia, there is no excise tax on automotive LPG although an excise tax is being phased into Australia over the next five years.

kathryn154, Aug 22, 11:12am
time to go beyond personalities (that's just an avoidance kneejerk reaction) and front up to the issues.
watch a discussion on TV3's Firstline show here.

if you think he is wrong . how! why!