Hi everyone, When I went to plug my wee trailer's rectangular plug onto the car receiver bit II noticed the fold back part (on the car) that grips the plug from the trailer is missing. Everything still works but will I need a new unit on the car - due for a WOF soon! If I do would would an auto electrician charge - approximate cost! Thanks.
Mar 15, 2:37am
Nothing to do with a wof UNLESS you have an electrical short with the lights OR you have the trailer on for a wof BUT. even at that, the locking cover hasn't got anything to do with a trailer wof. HOWEVER . It IS in your best interests to get another cover fitted or a new plug.
Mar 15, 2:39am
$10 to $30 for plug & fittted. $5 to $ 10 for a replacement cover fitted IF the mechanic can be bother & IF he's got a spare busted plug floating about with a good cover.
Mar 15, 2:40am
Sockets/Plugs are cheap enough (Repco/Super Cheap etc,).
Easy to swap the wires over as all the terminals are numbered. Just take a note of which colour goes to each terminal. Only need a small screw driver and a small Philips screwdriver.
Maybe a cable tie is sufficient!Needs a WoF tester to tell you whether or not that is OK.
Mar 15, 2:40am
Thanks - any idea of what it would cost! I've just discovered the problem - will do some ringing tomorrow. I'd hate the trailer part to fall out and disintegrate as it bounced along the road!
Mar 15, 2:42am
Thanks again - by the time I'd finished typing the answers were there!
Mar 15, 3:02am
Go see Western Auto Electrical, they will sort it out in no time
Mar 15, 3:14am
At 1 stage I simpl;y had a wire hook that I could slip over the plug to stop it slipping off untill I got around to changing the plug.
Mar 15, 3:29am
Yep, Waynes a nice guy, and so is his 1100hp street car.
Mar 15, 4:52am
Thanks again - yes I know the firm, just along from the testing station, bought my last battery there!
Mar 23, 1:03am
Went to Western Auto Electricalin Moselle Ave, Henderson, close to testing Station today for replacement plug plus brake light bulb (warning light came on on the way to work), no wait, $28 for both fitted - excellent service, very highly recommended.
Aug 17, 7:19am
Most connectors tell you what colour is what on the packaging and inside the connector box its labeled you would have to be a right idiot to mess it up.
Re wired my trailer today in fact, just happened to notice the packaging on my desk while writing this.
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