How do you find them! And what is your recommended brand!
Mar 19, 4:25pm
I have a Tomtom but would not buy a GPS again of any brand. Much better to put the money towards an Iphone. Iphone gives you many more advantages and is much nicer to use in general than a GPS. Your maps are always updated and its just so much more usefull with all the apps you can get. We even use the Iphone for marine navigation.
Mar 19, 4:27pm
That was very helpful, thank you for that.
Mar 20, 12:13am
Ive got an Iphone and Istillprefer to use a seperate gps system .any brands ok as long as it talks.
Mar 20, 12:18am
What software are you using on the iPhone thejazzpianoma!
Mar 20, 12:19am
i got a tomtom 1 and a "gamin nüvifone with free maps for nz" both are the same good with garmin being better as its free maps
Mar 20, 12:25am
We have had Navmans for a few years now and love them. No more man / woman heated discussons on travel routes. More positives: The ability to tell you what time you'll reach a destination. The ability to put in personal points of interests.The ability to find gas stations or hotels or banks etc etc when in unfamilar territory. The ability to put in an address and it takes you there perfectly.
Mar 20, 12:33am
Most of these units are much the same really, what I'd look at is what the situation with the maps is, don't buy a unit that has expensive upgrades, no point when some are free.Personally I wouldn't bother with buying another stand alone GPS again, many mobile phones have this built in now and with free map upgrades via the manufacturers website.Yet some people are quite happy to buy a unit and simply upgrade the whole thing in a couple of years, up to you.
Mar 20, 12:33am
As I have the GPS as well I don't have anything special for road maps (although I use google maps etc)
The big thing I use is the Navionics marine maps, in conjunction with a waterproof housing this system is mean! It has all the markers and even some very small holes are marked. Of course you can plot courses and set waypoints, etc. Makes navingating at night a walk in the park.
In terms of other apps. well where to start! I am going to swap over from using the laptop for obd2 stuff in favour of the phone and or ipad eventually, its much more convenient especially if monitoring things on a trip.
As a side note I am setting up an Ipad as a remote control for my parents house/theatre/distributed audio etc. That is shaping up very nicely.
Mar 20, 12:34am
navman find it great when in diferent towns
Mar 20, 12:48am
Don't you have to hand over your man card when you buy a GPS!
Mar 20, 1:11am
All gps have there pro's and con's but since I don't rely on it all the time I find my navman ok and then i use my smart phone for when I forgot the navman.
Mar 20, 1:27am
How do you get lost in NZ anyway!
Mar 20, 1:36am
makes a good speedo
Mar 20, 2:16am
Easy the amount of streets in auckland is enough to make you lost or towns you have never being to.
Mar 20, 2:25am
I find the AA Roadmaps perfect & a lot cheaper.If you can't work out approx what time you will arrive at a destination,run out of fuel & can't find a bank then I suggest you take a nightschool class in maths & NZ geography.Talk about people not being able to think for themselves it leaves me breathless.
Mar 20, 2:32am
Technology phobia! Why make thing s hard for no reason at all, sure the map works but it lacks the features of gps. Better make sure you read the stars when sailing, its more about making life a little easier. Maps do not recaculate if you miss a turn or even better read the map at night in rain. Gps allow you to put more focus on the road much safer. Its interesting all st john ambulances use gps funny that.
Mar 20, 2:48am
I haven't met anyone yet who knows where every street is in a city let alone the whole of New Zealand
Mar 20, 2:49am
Hes must be super human
Mar 20, 2:52am
I use iphone but used to have TomTom1. Seriously good tools in big cities when you have no idea where you are going but we found the most fun was in driving way down to the very bottom of the south and finding some of those less popular routes that are like roads used to be.
Mar 20, 2:55am
No technology phobia here,just can't see point of buying something for $200-300 when $19.95 roadmap does the job & has done for 30 years.Marketing people just suck a lot of people in & I find younger generation don't think for themselves like we use to.Sad & it will get worse.
Mar 20, 2:59am
So a map book re calculates your route, allows you to drive at night without pulling to read a map. It tells you the nearst place in town, I didn't know you can search for particular places in a map book then get directions from where you are in the dark saving time. Its about saving time and putting that time into other things in life, beside the map book will not always tell you the quickest route to a destination. A lot of the new gps's use data from other users to determine the quickest routes and even give you trafffic updates.
I'd much rather be less stressed and have a gps show me where to go, allowing me to be a safer driver on the road. Especially when some places require turns that no human can remember and even tell you what lane to be on the motorway. I guess you still use a rotary dial telephone.
Mar 20, 3:00am
hey if you can work out hectarage of a paddock using your eyeometer you are a better man than me, and you should come visit to teach me how its done.
Mar 20, 3:04am
Its interesting all st john ambulances use gps funny that.Quote johnf_456
Not quite, we are still waiting on ours. Some still use personaly owned units. And most are donated as well so takes awhile for them to trickle down. And yes cant wait. You should try reading a map at night bouncing around doin 130kph tring to figure out which of the 5 roads in the same district all called the same thing is the one you need. But we do have coms watching our progress who can tell us where to go but that is not always an option.
Mar 20, 3:09am
Throughoutthis year they will get them, most ambulance stations have them but they have all been donated to stjohnthrough charity and every station will get one in time. So in time you will get yours, you a paramedic!
Yup its a good choice it also saves coms times to in EACC, which most of which is now done by north com in Auckland mostly since the quake.
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