All the GPS's I see in cars are to the centre of the windscreen therefore taking the drivers eye off the road in front of him.As I'm on the road all the time I see people ALL the time being distracted by their GPS as they point at it & discuss something with their passengers.As for cellphones I don't text just press one button when answering phone with my eyes still on the road,yes texting is dangerous but I don't feel talking on the phone is,remember RT's in trucks are still legal so whats the difference
Mar 21, 3:46pm
Its how you use the phone, ie handsfree kit is legal, personally for me I rarely have to look at the gps and I strictly do not use unless stopped safely so the focus is on the road. Heck everything is a distraction if you want to be, better hide that map or even remove your radio from the car to!
Mar 21, 4:53pm
Whats the difference between holding cellphone to your ear or RT to your mouth!Both require taking one hand off steering wheel.
Mar 21, 5:29pm
No difference at all, gps requires no touch at all once setup. I agree talking is more dangerous.
Mar 21, 6:43pm
Due to my type of work, I spend a lot of time in different centres and when called upon I must be able to confirm my exact location at a moments notice. Having a navigation system has made that a lot easier and has saved my bacon more than once. I started with my own Navman and then work supplied Uniden units. I prefer the Navman for most things but the lane guidance is clearer on the Uniden.
Aug 11, 2:04pm
go with the free map updates as quoted above, available for most if not all garmins, I had to laugh at the harvey norman salesman that offered me updates for the life of my garmin nuvi GPS for $200, then again I guess there are those who dont realise they are available free of charge, try that on your navman!
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