GPS - Who has one

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gunhand, Mar 20, 3:14am
EMT they call my level now which is going on all new patchesBut something much worse is our in house name which thankfully will never make the shirt sleave patch.
Have been for 10 years. Volunteer and paid officer.
And yes we are still waiting. You gotta ask why we have to wait for them to be donated but thats not a topic for here.

johnf_456, Mar 20, 3:18am
Ah yep I know what you mean very well, I knowstjohn well. But considering stjohn is a non profit organisation, but yeah your right not the place.

gunhand, Mar 20, 3:26am
And I have used a Garmin one in an Ambulance and found it easy to use and bloody accurate. You passed an intersection the same time you did on the screen.
Southland ST John covers the 2nd largestarea in NZ ( or may even be the biggest) and many a time I wished we had them. But in saying that map reading is a good skill as well but its no fun a 3am tring to read tiny letters and lines lol.

johnf_456, Mar 20, 3:29am
Very true every word there, but when every seconds counts to a patient survival gps IMHO

gunhand, Mar 20, 3:38am
Yes considering some of our P1 drives can take 40mins any time saved is a bonus. from memory furtherest P1 drive was Gore to Athol which without checking is almost 100kms I think. actually 160kms is the furtherest P1 but that was hospital to hospital.
John whats your asscotiation with St John! Not to change subject to much though lol.

neville48, Mar 20, 3:49am
Sort of a "chicken and egg' situation you have created with the question rachsta; IE: how do you find them !.with a gps.damn.

jkcullen, Mar 21, 2:55am
Ive got one in my car dvd blu tooth stereo. Love it.All car stereos will hav them soon.Will look at an i phone tho just for that app. Then i can take it in any car.

likit, Mar 21, 3:08am
Why would I want to recalculate my route when I know where I'm going.By the way I travel ALL over NZ driving a truck & trailer unit so you can't afford to make mistakes as they require a bit of room to turn & I travel mainly at night & don't experience any of the problems you mentioned.Perhaps you like to be cushioned from the real world & let technology do everything for you.

johnf_456, Mar 21, 3:22am
Well good on your mr knowledge brain of every single road in nz that and even the new roads that your map book will not even have, unlike garmin with constant free updates. But obviously the first time I have been to a place I don't where I'm going but once I have been there before I get vague idea of where it is. No one can memorize all nz roads and routes, so back off about the cushioned world because I don't. Least with a gps for the first time going to a place I can put my focus on the roads and not pulling over and stopping constantly oh have i gone too far, did I miss a turn this area doesn't feel right.

So stop been a jerk and think you know it all, most of the time I just drive to work and back. Yeah sure I get to know places after the first time I have been there, so do share all your brain knows everything. Obviously very full of it, so you know where shop is by your huge brain of knowledge in every single town. I'm sure your map allows you to search for a name of shop.

xacoon, Mar 21, 3:27am
I like to know the route before I make the trip personally, like the post you are crapping on I dont have the luxury of just getting there when I feel like it.

johnf_456, Mar 21, 3:33am
Well you must have a good world of knowledge to know every single turn turn by turn how many streets to miss. SO how is it crap, GPS tells you turn by turn unless your one of these people that has a photographic memory than I withdraw. I basically set the gps to where I want to go, then see if I can find my way there then when I get lost turn to the gps for the remaining distance and its a good way to learn.

Perhaps you need to stop posting crap also technology is your friend, better get back on the old push bike!

jekyl, Mar 21, 3:33am
Gps = lose all man points

xacoon, Mar 21, 3:36am
I research the route before I drive it, google maps is my friend. I like technology, when was I posting crap by the way!

johnf_456, Mar 21, 3:38am
Then have a nice lot of print outs for every single route, especially when you do multiple stops and destinations. You normally have enough paper work has it is then trying to read it while driving!

Being using gps technology for years

xacoon, Mar 21, 3:40am
ahhhh no, I have enough braincells to remember what route I planned earlier that morning.

xacoon, Mar 21, 3:41am
quote edit, good for you. when was I posting crap again!

johnf_456, Mar 21, 3:44am
You can remember multiple routes and multiple destination and even remember where every single name of a shop is by your brain. Cool story

johnf_456, Mar 21, 3:46am
My posting crap comments, being the anti gps person. And another for gps's a digtial read out of your speedo grant for old cars that have cable driven speedos that flicker as well telling you how many kms left to you know how roughly to go if your running late.

xacoon, Mar 21, 3:46am
yep, multiple routes and destinations. where did shops come into it! true story, if you think its cool thanks for the support.

johnf_456, Mar 21, 3:48am
Must be super human eh to know that eh, then from place to place. Shops come in as gps allow you to search for the name of places and even shops in a town.

xacoon, Mar 21, 3:49am
do you ever make sense! if you are running late does it matter how far you have to go! if you have gps does it matter if your speedo flickers (oil is your friend by the way)

xacoon, Mar 21, 3:50am
wow and here I am just stopping at the shops I want to. I thought it was fairly easy to remember a basic route, but then again I thought the licence test was too easy too eh!

johnf_456, Mar 21, 3:53am
You know all the shops that are there before you get there wow winning. Routes in auckland are not always easy in quiet streets that have a lot of no exits. As for license that has got nothing to do with it so that can be dis regarded.

xacoon, Mar 21, 3:56am
I dont live in auckland so that can be disregarded

johnf_456, Mar 21, 3:57am
Well there we go, I too find other area less confusing because most places are so tiny compared to auckland.