Some Subaru questions.

master-trader, Jan 28, 8:49am
I have been looking at them recently but having read a bit they seem to cop a bad wrap.

Are they that bad overall ! Are you just paying for a name barnd and some supposed 'cool image' ! Is it more poor maintenace as opposed to a poor car !

In particular I have been been looking at WRX's. I would never buy Mitsi so will never look at an Evo but cars of this nature take my fancy and these 2 (WRX and Evo) seem to come up a lot .

ryanm2, Jan 28, 9:29am
Are Subaru's 'bad' overall! Sometimes naughty, often nice.

Pretty much dickheads own them, (we are talking about wrx's), thrash them and offload them to the next sucker.

aredwood, Jan 28, 9:30am
Mostly Poor maintenance. Oil and coolant changes must always be done on time. Problem is too many people buy subies on finance therefore no money left to pay for servicing.

legacy1992, Jan 28, 9:34am
If you go to buy one of a young person or someone who has thrashed it be prepared to payout for a new or second hand gearbox.

neo_psy, Jan 28, 9:38am
Mate of mine got his wife a 12 month old NZ New in 2004 - never had an issue with it, but it's had all the servicing done.
As long as they aren't a*seholed too much and the servicing is done, they're OK.
Too many eggs buy them and don't service them. Or do stupid mods and break them.

master-trader, Jan 28, 9:46am
do you think the same happens to them overseas ! Such as when they first land here do you guys think they are in ok condition or is it likely the same things has happened prior to them ending up on our shores

NZTools, Jan 28, 8:12pm
When they arrive on our shores, they are generally in far better condition mechanicly, than after a couple of years at the mercy of a pimply faced "modifier", who pours every last bit of his available credit limit into skank whistles and screamer pipes but nver spends money on oil or antifreeze.

neo_psy, Jan 28, 10:05pm
As long as they arrive reasonably "factory", they generally seem to be alright - as a rule (and only a general rule, always exceptions), people that do pointless mods don't look after the go bits.

electro2000, Nov 12, 2:45am
stick to the post 1999 models seemed to ironed out a lot of early issuesive brought a couple thrashed subs rebuilt them and got some good running out of them.