2.5L subaru engines.

ryanm2, Feb 6, 7:48am
Did they improve over time! I know earlier ones had head gasket issues but were these resolved by the 98 facelift versions! Or did nothing mechanically change at all!

duke250, Feb 6, 9:27pm
They are good till the bottom end decides to go.

electro2000, Feb 6, 9:37pm
There were slight improvementsthey changed from the composate head gasket to steel that was the EJ25D modelThe EJ251 was 99 I think that had exsternal head gasket leaking issuesyou could buy some additive from Subaru to try to cure it . I ve owened 3 EJ25 subsThe later one I had which was 98 gave no issues , I sold it at 190k still going well I did both my earlier EJ25 legacyhead gaskets.
I proberbly would never buy another EJ25 powered subIve done a few head gasket replacments for my self and friends etc and just can't be bothered unless it was a real good tidy buy.
Il stick to my EJ20's

electro2000, Dec 15, 11:05pm
never had a bottem end go on a EJ25seen a few on earlier and later EJ20t