Links to your source would help. The UK were still changing their system to continuous insurance like our licensing in 2011 so it's a bit early for any accepted rate. How successful is our system at ensuring all cars have current license!
Jan 31, 10:05pm
In any event, the level of expected compliance is hardly a reason to not legislate.
Otherwise, we'd be saying "ah you can never catch the burglars so lets not bother to make burglary an offense".
The bottom line is that the 5% of society who do not see fit to buy 3P insurance are exposing the other 95% of us to undue risk. The vast proportion of that 5% are a sub-culture with no assets, no jobs and no ability or desire to pay for their behaviour. Is that really OK!
Jan 31, 11:16pm
So to those who dont/wont insure there car what happens when you hit someones 2011 200k BMW! Sure there insurance company will cover them and repair/replace there car. Meanwhile you either loose your car or need your car repaired. Then the insurance company will chase you to pay up for the BMW damage or loss. So you are now up for repalcemnt value of a BMW. Do you just ignore it as you dont give a rats arse , pay $10 bucks a week like many other loosers are, borrow the money or do you have that kind of cash available to you. Then you have to replace your car no matter what price you may pay for it. So for $100 or so you all you would loose is your car but no other debt. Or have we still got the "it wont happen to me syndrome" I can tell you many many people go about there day thinking nothing bad will happen to them and the attitude of "im far to clever to crash" as the law of averages say I might not. And that is all facets of life not just driving. Man do they change there tune when something happpens.
Jan 31, 11:25pm
your a deluded muppet if you think prices would maintain their current levels after a law change
but please go on whining about your loser driving skills that causes you to suffer so much wreckage
Jan 31, 11:27pm
Dead right. But the types that wont take 3P are as you say the loosers who won't take responsibility for their actions. They will buy their own replacement vehicle but then claim hardship and offer $10 a week for ever and then they won't even pay that. And so the rest of us effectively pay for that sub-class behaviour. No wonder we're the only country that allows this crap to happen!
Jan 31, 11:28pm
And you've worked all your life in an area of commerce that cleans up these ugly messes have you!
Jan 31, 11:32pm
what if i havent !
unlike you, ive managed to break the speed limit 3 times over & still not let anyone smash me off the road
try driving with your brain engaged on the task & you wont have to end up being such a whiney complainer on the internet
Feb 1, 12:42am
What a joke to see people in this thread that think they don't need insurance because they won't have an accident or they can afford to pay out on an accident. Guess what - you are a very small minority. I suspect that 99% of unisured drivers on the road have no money and would do everything they could to worm out of paying up for an accident. This is why we need CTP - the majority not a few people who claim to be in a position to write a blank check for whatever damages they could have in an accident. And if you have an accident with a late model vehicle it would be very easy to rack up 60k plus - written off etc. Are you going to happily write out a check for that! and don't blather on about not having an accident, anything could happen - you could have a heart attack and lose control of the vehicle, could be oil on the road, whatever. Not all accidents need to be poor driving on your half for you to still be responsible
Feb 1, 1:25am
Feb 1, 1:30am
I at no point said don't insure your car, your car should be insured. It however should just not be compulsory, prices WILL go up and I doubt it will get many uninsured off the road anyway, the same bombs with no rego/warrant which BTW is compulsory to. Also the type to worm out of paying for your loss will worm out of the courts, they are the same no care lowlifes, DPB pays for the new car if you confiscate it anyway so sweet azzzzz bro.
It's not a fair solution for little gains, cept for insurers.
Feb 1, 1:34am
If it was to become law they should be made to cap the prices.But I do agree they would try and hike it up no doubt.
Feb 1, 2:15am
Plus the safety for innocent bystanders and their property.
Feb 1, 9:05am
a friend of mine just found out the hard way of not having any insurance,, he hit a new commodore, he had to pay out $8,000 to get the commodore fixed,, his car has $45,000 front damage, its now stored away,
last year a senior cop said there should be compulsory insurance, i agree but why ain't cop cars insured,, the police are driving around with no insurance
Feb 1, 9:30am
The LAW doesn't protect anyone. How it influences people's actions does, it's an indirect effect. Making something illegal or trying to force people won't bring instant compliance (for example rego, warrant, speeding, give way laws etc etc), Looking at how the numbers stack, it just doesn't make a significant impact on the issue for the cost.
I haven't said "do not use insurance", I'm resisting the notion that making it into law that you must have it will solve the issue because clearly it doesn't. You have an option to cover yourself fully available right now without hassling the other 4,436,999 people here, that's if you think it's worth it, otherwise 3rd party but you take a risk, if you can't accept that and would rather have your hand held by lawmakers then I suggest england. What others do is their business, your personal gripe with people around you that you have to "clean up after" doesn't extend to me, I don't in the slightest feel any obligation to know these people either.
Feb 1, 1:01pm
Not true. All crown cars are covered by their own internal insurance scheme created under a special act of parliament. What's the problemwith that!
Feb 1, 1:01pm
The only reason you have insurance is to protect yourself from liabilities that you think you would not be able to afford to pay yourself.
I think John Key & the Gubermint are good for the cost of fixing your car, if a cop prangs it!
Feb 1, 1:04pm
Wouldn't the various insurers still be competing for the business, even if 3rd party motor vehicle was compulsory!
Feb 1, 2:18pm
A lot of transport company,s don,t carry vechicle insurance. If the premiums $100,000, which it is in a lot od cases, then it,s cheaper for them to pay out. But I still say3rd party should be part of your rego cost.
Feb 1, 3:22pm
That's exactly what I'm saying. They have stated that if CTP happens the cost of everyone's cover will rise. It has nothing to do with your red herring.
Feb 1, 3:26pm
No wonder you have such a distorted view of the risk.
Feb 1, 6:23pm
Can you provide a link to that statement! The previous links contain nothing like that claim.
Nov 30, 6:57am
Your comments and username both describe your personality pretty well - impossible to hold rational debate with you!
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