"(The police) policy of ticketing motorists travelling more than 4km/h above the speed limit at long weekends is extended to every day in February.Lowe- ring the tolerance has made a real difference to the number of deaths on the roads over the holiday periods.- .???So we are confident that it is reasonable to conclude that the lower speed tolerance has had a positive impact on driver behaviour and in lowered overall crash risk"
I have my doubts.
Feb 1, 9:57pm
Yep because it was so effective at reducing the toll over Xmas.
Feb 1, 10:10pm
Here we go.
'Speed isn't a contributing factor.yadda yadda.you can't have an accident if you're not moving .yadda yadda.revenue collecting.yadda yadda.there were still deaths over xmas.yadda yadda.speed has nothing to do with it.yadda yadda yadda.'
Feb 1, 10:16pm
I don't know how it's affecting crashes and deaths.
But people are DEFINITELY less pushy and impatient heading up SH1 out of Wellington since the low speed tolerance bizzo started. It's good.
And people who are in doubt about their speedometers tend to err more on the side of caution these days, freeing up more of the passing opportunities for people like me who do know exactly how fast we are going at all times. Also good.
Feb 1, 10:34pm
why are we in such a hurry anyway.
Feb 1, 10:42pm
Going fast is fun
Feb 1, 10:49pm
must have made plenty of $$ so they keep on pocketing . at the end of the month they will say it was so sucessfull we keep it on and we lower it to 0 tolerance since it was so sucessfull. and or maybe make it a -4 tolerance so we can have even grater sucess meaning you are only alowed 46kph and when your over bling bling loads more sucessfull $$$$$$$$ to made huray.
Feb 1, 10:57pm
Cheers for the link.
Actually the 5km/h limit which is really a 1km/h limit is enforced in the Bay of Plenty pretty much the year round. They just do their best to keep public knowledge of this to a minimum.
We really need to find an avenue to make them tell the truth about the 4km/h limit as its really a nil limit. (due to the accuracy of speed equipment).
If this was a private company advertising something like this they would be kicked to the curbby the fair trading act and fined quick smart. Unfortunately though it seems government departments can tell you any old lies and half truths they choose.
Its a funny world, the Police are busy spending a heap of our money trying to prosecute Kim .Com on the premise that it was really his intention for his users to predominantly use his file sharing website for copyrighted material. Yet we let the same Police sell us these zero tolerance revenue gathering exercises with about the same level of legitimacy.
Feb 1, 11:30pm
I know the 4km/h tolerance is enforced over the kaimais year round, but I don't think they do the rest of the roads!
Feb 2, 12:01am
my feeling is they should say what they REALLY mean which is they want a 95km/h speed limit.Then the world can go back to normal --but no we wont be honest will we!
Feb 7, 3:34am
I feel it would make driving more dangerous in the long term, would make it even more difficult to overtake slow drivers who would still continual to speed up when its safe to overtake. That would increase the amount of road rage, and a angry driver takes more risks.
I wish the police would spend more time concentrating on keeping the traffic flowing, and making slow drivers pull over to allow others to pass.
Feb 7, 3:40am
They don't want a 95km/h speed limit, they know like everyone else that will make no real difference to the road toll.
What they want is what they are getting, a means of keeping the 100 Million dollars a year in infringements coming in. Thats half the road Policing budget paid for.
Its win/win they keep the revenue flowing and they have a presence on the road which makes people believe the Police are out there doing something. The obscenely expensive prime time advertising and PR nonsense is all massively subsidised as well.
They can't lose! Especially as anyone who speaks out against it is socially shunned as a "speeder" or having failed the"attitude test" or some kind of conspiracy theorist.
Feb 7, 3:41am
here we go again
Feb 7, 3:42am
^ Easily swayed by the PR nonsense.
Feb 7, 3:45am
Didn't say I was, just the long posts that take ages to read with the same old. At least certain models of car have not been mentioned yet.
Feb 7, 3:49am
I do find I am less likely to get pulled up in the Multipla than the VW or Volvo. The Alfa is proving to be a bit of a problem as I can't seem to calibrate the speedo very accurately and its too bright with the hood down to see the GPS.
Feb 7, 4:19am
lol, you have to be kidding, it wasn't just me then
Feb 7, 4:38am
They're talking of raising the speed limit in England.If only this country would wake up and realise that some of the drivers and roads are capable of being used at higher speeds.some cars are more economical at a slightly higher speed too as that's how they were set up for their country of origin.
Feb 7, 12:12pm
Slower trips, means more fatigue, which means more tired drivers which are more likely to crash. There is a lot of good arguments to raise the speed limit, on many of our better roads, or at least allow for a 20km/hr tolerance while overtaking.That would give drivers more confidence to overtake quickly, and return to the safety of their own lane, plus it would help keep the traffic flowing at near the speed limit.
Actually, I would be quite happy with a 5% tolerance, if they combine it with a 20% tolerance while overtaking.Police ticket revenue would take a hit but the roads would be a more pleasantand safer place.
Feb 7, 3:10pm
Even policemen are too embarassed to be seen near such a "unique" car Jazz lol
Feb 7, 6:43pm
From what I heard the Police "statistics" were independently audited over there. and what do you know! Speed had been grossly over stated as a factor in crashes.
The raised speed limits came in not long after.
So refreshing to see people waking up to this nonsense and saying enough is enough. I am all for safer roads, and to me that means not tieing up officers writing tickets for 1km/h over the limit while an actual dangerous driver whizzes past.
The other thing I am for is developing a Police department that earns respect, that means one known for its officers ability's to think on their feet and use common sense.
Everything from recruitment, job satisfaction, effectiveness and efficiency has to increase as the Police regain the respect of our society. The amount of crime that is reported would no doubt increase too. and thats a good thing.
Feb 7, 6:43pm
From what I heard the Police "statistics" were independently audited over there. and what do you know! Speed had been grossly over stated as a factor in crashes.
The raised speed limits came in not long after.
So refreshing to see people waking up to this nonsense and saying enough is enough. I am all for safer roads, and to me that means not tieing up officers writing tickets for 1km/h over the limit while an actual dangerous driver whizzes past.
The other thing I am for is developing a Police department that earns respect, that means one known for its officers ability's to think on their feet and use common sense.
Everything from recruitment, job satisfaction, effectiveness and efficiency has to increase as the Police regain the respect of our society. The amount of crime that is reported would no doubt increase too. and thats a good thing.
Respect comes from honesty. both on the part of the individual officer and management. We are not getting honesty at the moment.
Respect will also increase if they stop training officers to do this silly "staunch" act when dealing with people. If they are being honest and fair in their actions they will not need this fake staunch out nonsense they play at.
Feb 7, 6:58pm
Jazz and others,how much money in speeding fines have you personally paid to the Gubberment !
Feb 7, 7:06pm
I suspect a lot
Feb 7, 7:19pm
I've been caught speeding 3 times and only person to blame was me. My choice to speed so served me right! I agree with Militaris about a 20km/hr tolerance while passing.
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