Phillipweston or other mitsi gurus

snj11, Feb 4, 9:56am
Have just picked up a cheap Legnum, 98, 1.8gdi, seems to go sweet but has the usual tap they all get, il get some proma mbl8 in the morning and give it and an oil change - what is the best oil to use in these along with the pro ma, cheers guys

phillip.weston, Feb 4, 1:23pm
just any 10W30, 10W40 or 15W40.

male_timaru, Feb 4, 1:45pm
Old landlord uses nothing but 10-40W in his (and has been for some 6 years - car now at 180,000kms)

snj11, Feb 4, 5:43pm
great, cheers guys

bigfatmat1, Feb 4, 7:14pm
Really you talked to your land lord about what oil they use.

n3d4sp3d, Feb 4, 7:59pm
we use 15/40 diesel oil it shuts them up a bit

savanna71, Feb 4, 8:11pm
Your local mitsubishi dealer can supply you a genuine Mitsubishi oiltreatment, part number JCMZ106001EX it is cheaper and better then proma MBL8

mrfxit, Dec 9, 9:05am
Still not cheap compared to a few others BUT . yes used it a few years ago on a 3L v6 that had just about doa tappets & it worked fine.